Chapter 11

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"Hey, Arrow," I spoke into the phone quietly.

"Ally? It's like 7am, what's going on? You're never up this early?" His voice got more panicked with every word as he woke up more.

"Nothing, I'm fine, promise. I just need a favour."

"Oh, so you disappear to the lake house alone, you say nothing, don't invite ANY of us, get mom to convince us to leave you alone and now you want to ask me for a favour?" he questioned me.

"Who's bothering you this early?" I heard Kat's sleepy voice in the background. I pretended that I didn't hear it and started talking again.

"Yeah, I guess I thought that after the way all of you have been treating me the past few weeks, I could disappear for a while and then ask my brother to help his little sister with something. But clearly I was in the wrong. You know what? It's fine, I'll ask dad. Goodbye Arden." I swallowed the hurt burning my throat. How dare he?

"No, Ally wait! What do you mean 'after the way we've all been treating you'?" He called out through the phone. I started laughing a humourless, empty laugh.

"Wow, Arden. You don't even know?"

"No, tell me what I did!" I could hear the desperation in his voice but I couldn't bring myself to pity him.

"Tell Katalana I said 'hello'." And then I hung up the phone.

Not even 5 seconds later my phone rang and I saw Kat's photo pop up. I put my phone on silent and put it on the counter. I leaned against the counter for a few more moments then I walked to the bedroom.

I climbed back under the covers and immediately I felt a strong pair of arms pull me closer. "Why do you have clothes on?" Oliver asked in a tired frustration. I laughed at him. "Because it's fucking cold this early in the morning naked man." "Ug, fine." he sighed dramatically. I giggled at him and then suddenly reality struck me.

I sat up quicker than I can hang up a phone. "What's wrong?" Oliver asked sitting up as well. "You have to leave, NOW." I said urgently as I looked at him. "You kicking me out Gracie?" he laughed. "I'm serious Ollie." I got up and started picking his things up from the floor. "Alright fine, may I at least know why I'm being tossed aside like the cheap whore I am?" he joked and I laughed as he wrapped his arms around my waist forcing me to look at him. "My cousin will be here any second and I still smell like you. Now, put some pants on naked man." I threw his pants and underwear at him.

"Gracie, it's like 7am. Why in the hell would your cousin show up now?" he asked while he got dressed. I sat down next to the puppies and greeted them, then I picked up the newspaper and put down some fresh ones. "Because I asked him to swing by since I haven't seen him in forever but I forgot that he's an early bird and I didn't give him a specific time." He shook his head as he walked by and kissed me on the cheek. "Only you, Alora Grace Dutch," he laughed.

I got in the shower and started washing my body. I brushed my teeth in the shower too, saves time you know. I got out of the shower five minutes later, I didn't have time to wash my hair so messy bun here we come. I put on my underwear and a pair of skinny jeans just to realise that I didn't bring a shirt. I thought about my options when I noticed Oliver's hoodie on the bathroom counter. Oh well, mine now, I thought. 

Last night after about an hour of Oliver sitting in my kitchen in just his swim trunks, he decided that he simply couldn't let me spend the night alone. So, I drove him to his lake house where he packed some clothes and then we drove back. When we got back to my lake house we promptly emptied the bottle of vodka together while we talked. When he learned of my middle name he decided to give me the nickname Gracie and I decided to call him Ollie, obviously. We started talking about deeper topics and one thing led to another and we... well, he took my virginity.

I walked out of the bathroom with my messy bun, skinny jeans and Ollie's hoodie. I walked into the bedroom to find that he had tidied up the room and even made the bed. "I wondered where that disappeared to." I turned around to see a smirking Oliver leaning against the doorframe with folded arms. I walked toward him with a smirk of my own, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and leaned his chin on my head as I snuggled into his chest. "Keep the hoodie," he said suddenly. "Really?" I asked looking up at him. "Yeah, looks better on you anyway." He kissed me softly on my lips and the pulled away.

"Well I should leave before your cousin gets here." He started walking to the door. "Take the Jeep," I said pointing to the keys on the counter. "I'm guessing we'll see each other again later so you can borrow it until then." "Well, I feel honored." he said  picking up the keys. "Yeah, you should." And with that he left and about 10 minutes later I heard my cousin pull up.

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