Chapter 8

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Hey Kat, you busy??

Kat: Hey girl, yeah sorry can't talk :(

I sighed and put my phone on silent then threw it in my backpack. It's 11am on a Saturday and like the past two weekends, my best friend, my brother and Greyson (I don't even know what to call him) were unavailable. Obviously Kat and Arrow were together, 'secretly' of course, and Grey and Abby were doing who knows what.

I grabbed a suitcase from my closet and packed some things I thought I'd need. I stuffed in some pj's, a black dress, sweats and a hoodie, a cute jacket, two pairs of skinny jeans and a few t-shirts. Then I added My favourite plain black heels as well as my sneakers and a pair of flip flops. I closed the suitcase, grabbed my backpack and took everything to the kitchen. I grabbed some snacks and a six pack of energy drinks and stuffed it in my backpack along with my phone and a bottle of vodka.

I walked to my dad's office where I knew he and mom where doing some extra schoolwork with Lara. I knocked and walked in to see the three of them on the carpet, building a puzzle and discussing some school things. "Hey mom, dad, I'm going to the lake house. I don't know for how long but I'll be back in time for school on Tuesday." Our school was closed this Monday for some repairs I think. "Okay sweetheart, stay in touch okay?" My mom said with a sympathetic smile. "I will mums." "Are you going alone kiddo?" my dad asked concerned. "Yeah, some friends might join me later but for now it's just me." I replied with a small smile. "Alright, just call Kyle if something happens okay?" "Okay. Love you guys. Bye L." I said and bent down to hug Lara. "Bye B," she replied. Lara calls be 'B' for big sis and she calls Arrow 'doof', nobody really knows why but it makes her happy.

I grabbed my car keys and my luggage from the kitchen and walked outside to my car. I put my suitcase on the backseat and my backpack on the passenger seat. I climbed in behind the steering wheel and took my phone out of the backpack. I connected to the radio via Bluetooth and started my car. I got the Jeep for my birthday a few months ago and I've felt so free since I don't have to ask my brother for a ride anymore.

Our lake house is about a 2 hour ride away. From our town Ysletree, it's an hour drive to the closest city, Carlo, and from there you drive around half an hour to a small town called Archville. Our lake house is about a 10 minute drive from Archville. Kyle is my cousin on my dad's side, he lives in Crowstand which just about a 20 min drive from the lake house. So since he's closer to the lake house than my parents, the instructions are always to call him if something bad happens.

The first part of the drive the music was just background noise and I was lost in my thoughts, until I got to Carlo. I stopped at a mall there to get some more supplies for the lake house and I bought myself a new black bikini. I filled my gas tank and then I was back on the road. When I got out of Carlo's traffic, I called Kyle to let him know that I was at the lake house for the weekend and he said he'd have his phone with him at all times. He also told me to enjoy a little quiet and that he'd stop by on Sunday since we hadn't seen each other in a while.

I thanked him and played some more music. Only this time the music was a welcome distraction and I sang along to stop myself from overthinking. The time passed quickly and I reached Archville in no time. The signal on the road was pretty bad and I wouldn't have signal again until I got to the lake house so I stopped in Archville to check my messages and let my mom know where I was. I saw I had a few messages from Kat and Grey.

Kat: Girl, where are you, Arrow says you're not home??

Kat: You're not with Grey either??

Kat: Hello, are you alive??

Kat: Momma told Arrow that you went to the lake house??

Kat: Why didn't you tell me, we could've gone together?? :(

I simply rolled my eyes and typed a short reply.

You're busy, remember?

Then I checked the messages from Grey.

Grey: Hey, A

Grey: Where you at?

Grey: You alright? Kat says she doesn't know where you are

Grey: You just drove 2 hours away without saying anything?

Grey: You gonna be back Monday? Wanted to spend some time together?

Funny, I thought. So every time I want to spend time with them, they're busy. But the moment I decide to do something alone all they wanna do is hang out all of a sudden. 

No, won't be back Monday, busy.

Then I played my music again and drove the last few miles to the lake house. Being greeted by the beautiful calm water and the gigantic trees was a refreshing sight and when I got out, It felt like I could breathe for the first time in a while.

Sorry, I Already Told My MomTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang