XI: Final War

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Skye stayed quiet, still in shock after remembering everything. The fire behind her burned stronger than before, but she didn't dare to get closer to Demille. She felt like she needed to scream, and she did with all her might.

"OLIVER! I REMEMBER EVERYTHING NOW!" She said from the top of her lungs.

"We'll discuss about that later! We have a beast to deal with here..." He said as his eyes returned to Demille. The dark demon slowly walked around the hall, his feet leaving tarr marks on the floor.

"Whoever left that torch in there was an IDIOT!" Demille screamed. "All the history of this place is burning to ashes... What a shame! Guess you'll fade away with it too..."

He sprinted towards Skye, but Oliver didn't let him touch her. He pushed him away with a kick and stood in front of Skye to protect her.

"Over my dead body I'll let you get close to her! Your dark era ends NOW!" Oliver screamed as his eyes turned red.

"HAH! JUST LIKE I THOUGHT!" Demille screamed.

He threw a ball of dark fog agaisnt Oliver, and it landed on his chest. He screamed in pain, and he dropped to his knees.

"OLIVER!" Skye yelled.

"St- Stay away! I don't feel ok..." Oliver begged.

"What... What did you do to him!?" She screamed.

"Darkness is something I possess. If someone has it inside them, I can control it. Now, how about you come with me before I make him hurt you?" He said as he walked closer and closer.

"N- No! Stay away! HELP ME!" She screamed again. She tried activating her purifying touch, but her fear wouldn't let her do it. She closed her eyes and shrieked, but it wasn't over just yet.

"STAY AWAY FROM HER!" Eli yelled as he rushed in.

He got a clean hit on Demille's face, and he quickly ran to check if she was safe.

"Are you ok!? The rest are on their way!" He said.

"Yeah! But, Oliver... He isn't ok!" She replied.


He turned around, only to see him corrupted by darkness yet trying to fight back.

"N- NO! I RE- REFUSE! STOP IT!" Oliver screamed.

Eli was shocked, so much that he didn't pay attention to his surroundings. Before he could react, he felt a sharp pain in his back caused by the same fog that Oliver had been hurt by.

"AGH!" He screamed as he dropped to the floor.

"NO!" Skye screamed as he tried to help him. But as much as she tried, Demille got in her way.

"They may have grown stronger, but I have as well! I will destroy all of Flockya, and you will help me with that... IT'S OVER, YOU HEARD ME? OVER!"

As he screamed, the rest of the crew arrived to the burning battlefield. Emily was scared, but Penny was terrified at seeing Eli in so much pain. Nathan and Luna were ready to fight, but deep inside they were scared of fighting who in theory still was their master.

"HA! Seems like the rest of your crappy team is here to help you... TOO LATE!"

He created barriers of tarr that blocked the team's path to Skye, and he starting laughing in a menacing way.

"All this time... I thought that my plan would be impossible... But you are here to fix that..." He said with a grin. "I'm done playing games! Or actually... Maybe I'm not."

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