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Night settled pretty fast, the moon already high above the ocean. It didn't take long to steal a small boat from one of the docks. With the help of the dark, and the small pushes from both my powers over water and the natural tide, I was able to get the boat out without alerting any of the coast guard.

I flicked the keys in my fingers softly, the ringing of metal against metal getting lost in my thoughts. The rush of fleeing from camp had me on an adrenaline rush, and finally in peace, I could feel that adrenaline fading to nothing.

I slumped down on the chair at the head of the boat. My eyes were wet, I realized. Tears were brimming at the edge of my vision and I couldn't help it as they fell. I ruined everything at this point.

I ruined my standing at camp Jupiter, and with that I ruined the one chance I had to keep my father alive.

The sky was too clear for all I was thinking. The stars too bright. It was easy to see the milky way this far from shore. Only the distant peak of land kept me from being completely in the middle of the ocean. But still, it felt as if it should be storming.

I got up, two hands on the rail before just letting out a scream. My yell echoed out into nothing, and I fell back to the ground. The soft rocking of the boat against the waves didn't truly bother me as I started to cry.

Why couldn't I have just stayed in camp halfblood. My thoughts drifted to Leo. I had to admit that I had feelings for him. More than any boy I'd met before. He just understood me in a way I didn't even understand myself. If I just went back, what would we be? Surely he couldn't have just forgot all about me, could he?

The tears were falling in torrents now. Never had I ever felt more alone.

I curled up into a small ball, waiting for the tears to drift to nothing. It could have been hours before the tears dried on my cheeks. I took a deep breathing, looking up into the sky.

If I was going to do any good here, then I'd have to help Percy, Hazel, and Frank finish their quest. If Gaea really did want Percy dead, then she would be sending more than me. The only thing is that I wouldn't kill him. I'd kill myself before I ever did that.

It would also be a problem for Percy if he decided to take the gamble for drinking the gorgon's blood. He only succeeded in the book because Gaea's influence caused Percy's opponent to choose the wrong vial. But I highly doubt that would occur now.

I got up, tilting slightly, only to realize I had no idea where I was. The tide had brought me further into the sea than I thought. I could barely tell which way was what. It was just open water in all directions.

I moved to my backpack, grabbing the copy of the son of Neptune. Even though I wouldn't be able to read to far ahead, since the future was still changing, I would be able to read where they have been.

I caught the words "Mendocino", and "one hundred and fifty miles north of the golden gate". I sighed. They sure travelled fast in a short amount of time. The small building of a lighthouse, and a large cliff was also mentioned. Though if I were right in what time it was, I'm sure that is where Percy, Hazel, and Frank were at this moment. I would just need to catch up somehow.

I moved to the front of the boat, turning on the ignition. Thank goodness for motorized boats. The motor growled to a start, and started to lazily move forward in the waves. I gripped onto the steering wheel and looked to the one thing I had to navigate. The stern of the boat was currently facing west, and I quickly corrected it to face north before increasing in speed.

Thankfully, the boat still had 3/4 of a tank of gas. I wasn't sure if it would last me the 150 miles to Mendocino, but I could only hope. I pushed the water around us, hoping for a little speed and used the air around the boat to push the boat forward, and soon I was zooming forward.

Of Greeks And Romans (Leo Valdez x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu