Chapter 14

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3rd POV

John, William, Richard, and Taylor are at The Lounge. They chat about the Cats musical, and joke about how awful it was. John looks at Richard and asks: "So, what happened to Cadenza?" Richard responds: Cadenza? She's good. I left her with Sebastian and Connor." "LEFT her?! Just like that?" William remarked. "I trust them. They can take care of Cadenza." Richard said. "I don't think that was a great idea." Taylor said. "Why not?" Richard responded. "Haven't you heard of the virus?" Taylor asked. "No, what about it?" Richard asked. "At first, everyone thought it was COVID-19, but it actually is the GlitchTrap virus. I've seen people around here, they have purple eyes..." John said. "GlitchTrap? Who in the world is that?!" Richard remarked. "We don't know. The doctors are trying to figure it out." Taylor said. "Okay, what about the Red Rose?" Richard asked. "People have been disappearing all over. We're not sure how, or what, or who is doing this, but we do suspect it's them." William said.


Samuel Wirnhier's POV

As I am signing the paperwork given to me by Federich, and from the others, I hear a knock on my door, I then replied with, " Come in.." The door opened and I saw Joey Drew, who is now working with me , he then said, " I brought Henry and Allison Angel to you, sir." I smirked and laughed like a maniac and said," Well done, Mr. Drew, well done. Who else did you capture instead of Allison Angel and Henry, Mr. Drew?" Mr. Drew then said with a smirk and said," Yes, yes I have, bring them in." As my men brought them in, it was Zen, Detective Gumshoe, Miles Edgeworth, and Phoenix Wright. I smirked and said" My plan is now falling into place, and I will finally win this battle no matter what will happen." "So, where do I put them?" Joey asked. "Put them in the Testing Chambers." Joey nodded. "ALRIGHT IDIOTS, FOLLOW ME!" Joey said as he walked out the door. The others followed, and shut the door behind them.

At the Testing Chambers...

Henry Stein: What.. What are we doing?

A doctor steps up onto the podium.

Henrik Von Schneeplestein: Velcome one and all to zhe testing chambers! Today, ve vill be testing your agility, speed, combat, and vhatever else is there!

Miles Edgeworth: Who are you?

Henrik Von Schneeplestein: Zhat is not important! Now, without any further delay, let us begin!!

A few hours later...

Larry Butz: That.. was the most painful day I have ever experienced...

Henry Stein: I know, right......

Miles Edgeworth: Everything hurts..

Phoenix Wright: MY LEG!!

Henry takes out his phone.

Gumshoe: What are you doing?

Henry Stein: Making a recording...

Gumshoe: oh.

Henry Stein (Recording): "If anyone finds this, my name is Henry. I've been trapped in this place for who knows how long. There are crazy things happening down here...And right now, these people are holding me, prisoner. I don't know how to get out of here, but there's more. There's a secret hiding in the shadows. I just feel like I'm being watched. There's something at work here. If anyone finds this, you must not- *sound of blast door opening* Hold on. *Blast door opening sound continues* They're coming back."

Henry turns off the recording.

Henrik: Vhat are you doing?

Henry Stein: n-nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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