Chapter 12

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Joey Drew's POV

What am I going to do now? The Ink Demon has been away for quite some time now, and it's been very quiet... I feel like I could go insane at any moment...

Suddenly, the door to the studio opens.

H-Henry? You're back?

Heida Hoffmann: Henry? Who is Henry?
Who are you?? What are you doing at Joey Drew Studios?

Heida Hoffmann: You are Joey Drew, yes?

Yes, I am.

Heida Hoffmann: I would like to propose a favor to you.

A favor, you say? Well, out with it! I don't have all day!

Heida Hoffmann: You seem like a perfect fit for our group. Join us, and we will make your dreams come true.

Hmm. What do I get out of this?

Heida Hoffmann: You will be the greatest creator. You'll be the Walt Disney of this town.

I accept your offer!

Heida and I shake hands.

Heida Hoffmann: Welcome to the team, Mr Drew.

So, what do I do now?

Heida Hoffmann: I need you to get Henry Stein and Allison Angel into this Studio. After you have converted them, bring them to this address.

Heida hands me a card with an address on it.

I slip it into my pocket.

Alright, see you soon.


Allison Angel's POV

Wow, this day is really beautiful, isn't it?

Henry Stein: It's a great day for a walk in the park.

Henry's phone rings.

Henry Stein: oh, this must be Joey.

Henry picks up the call.

Henry Stein: Hello?

Joey Drew: Henry! I need a favor to ask of you.

Henry Stein: Yes?

Joey Drew: Is Allison with you?

Henry Stein: Yeah, why?

Joey Drew: I need you both at the studio. The Ink Demon has gotten out, and I have no clue where in the studio that thing has gone.

Henry Stein: Again?

Joey Drew: I don't know how that thing can slip out so easily.

We'll be there soon, Joey!

Joey Drew: Hurry! I don't know how long I have..

Joey ends the call.

Henry and I run over the studio.

3rd Person POV:

As Henry and Allison Angel, rush to where Joey's location is, unaware that they will be led into a trap that was made by the Red Rose Mafia along Joey, forcing them to join them within the darkness that will unfold within their own hearts. The war that will be folded among these fellow characters, the drama will unfold. When they arrived at the location Joey sent to Henry, it was dark, dull, smelling like bleach, boring, mellow, etc. When they walked into the room they saw Joey (YAY.... no) Henry and Allison Angel walked towards Joey and asked, " So where is the, Ink Demon, Joey?" Joey had a smuglish smirk on his face and said,"The Ink Demon is right behind..." They both turned and Joey knocked both of them out by hitting them with a dustpan, when they fell to the ground, Joey laughed so hysterically that his own eyes went wide and said," I will be the greatest creator in the world! *Laughs evilly* " Joey drags them to the Red Rose Mafia base.

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