Chapter 9

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Narrator POV

5:00 PM

Alexandra: Okay, what's your plan?

Connor: My plan is... You come up with a plan!

Alexandra: ...

William: Alexandra my darling, what are you doing?

Alexandra: Nothin'!

William: Well, it's time to go to my newly acquired state.

Alexandra: Where is that? And where were we sleeping in?

William: My mom's house.


William: Anyways, my estate is in the United States. I got this from a second cousin twice removed.

Alexandra: My cousins get me nothing.

William: We have already gotten packed up. If we hurry now, we can catch the 6:00 flight.

Alexandra: Okay!

Alexandra turns off the phone.

Jason: Im back!

Googleplier: Good afternoon, Mr. Clark.

Jason: How do you know my last name? Did Allison tell you?

Googleplier: Ms Angel? No, she didn't tell me. I must say, your name is very exquisite!

Jason: Thank you?

Googleplier: Anyway, enough dilly-dallying. We have much work to do.

Jason: What work???

We follow William and Alexandra to the airport.

5:42 PM

William: We only have 15 more minutes until the next flight arrives.

Alexandra: So, what do we do now?

William: We can make out.

Alexandra: In front of these people?! You're crazy!

William: Really? I thought I could... Meet your standards...

Alexandra: Oh no, you're meeting all my standards!

William: Mission successful!

In the distance, Winston Payne is on the mic.

Winston Payne: Thank you everyone! Now, I think we should have a volunteer from the audience! How about...

Winston gestures towards William and Alexandra.

Winston Payne: You two! Come on, sing a duet!

Everyone claps as William and Alexandra go up to the mic.

When the song was finished, a flight attendant clears his throat.

Kevin Clark: Attention all passengers who are boarding on British Airways, the flight from London to Los Angeles is delayed because the pilot had to go get some Gregg's. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

William: Well, thats.. Not what I expected.

Kevin Clark: Oh! It seems as the pilot has finished! The flight will be departing now!

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