Chapter 4

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Connor's POV

Gumshoe: Alright, listen up pal. There has been a homicide regarding this animation studio.

An animation studio? Why there?

Gumshoe: if I can be honest, I don't know pal.

Miles: We need your help Connor. Someone is in danger.

What do I have to do?

Miles: you will protect the hostage. At all costs. Got it?

Yes. I won't let you down.


Captain Allen: It's firing at everything that moves, it already shot down two of my men... We could easily get it, but they're on the edge of the balcony. If it falls, she falls.

Has it experienced an emotional shock recently?

Captain Allen: I haven't got a clue. Does it matter?

I need the information to determine the best approach.

Have you tried its deactivation code?

Captain Allen: It's the first thing we tried. Listen, saving that kid is all that matters. So either you deal with this android now, or I'll take care of it.


Daniel: Stay back! Don't come any closer or I'll jump!

Emma: No! No, please! I'm begging you!

SWAT: Go, go, go!

Hi Daniel!

Daniel: How...

My name is Connor!

Daniel: How do you know my name?

I know a lot of things about you! I've come to get you out of this!

I know you're angry, Daniel! But you need to trust me and let me help you!

Daniel: I don't want your help! Nobody can help me! All I want is for all this to stop... I... I just want all this to stop...

Are you okay, Emma?

Emma: Please help me... I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die...

Nobody's going to die. Stay calm. Everything's going to be fine.

Daniel: I don't wanna die...

You're not going to die. We're just going to talk. Nothing will happen to you. You have my word.

Daniel: Okay... I trust you...

Daniel gets sniped.

Daniel: You lied to me, Connor. You lied to me...

Mission Successful.

Emma runs to Connor and hugs me.

Emma: Connor...

Don't worry Emma. Everything will be okay.

^ Software Instability: Deviancy

Flashback end!

Detective Gumshoe: Alright pal, we're here!


Miles Edgeworth: HE SAID-

Norman Jayden: While you were frozen in place, we picked you up, took you in the car, opened the car door, and now we are here.

Oh. That makes perfect sense!

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