Chapter 2

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As the car was driving towards the mansion you could already see the building there and when they were almost there, Connor was in awe. His mouth was wide open. Cadenza smiled when she saw Connor so surprised she was almost about to giggle and told Connor, " Connor I suggest that you shut your mouth closed because you are going to meet my parents." Looking at the window and thinking about things and what mom and dad were going to say about Connor. During the ride, it was very quiet so before I could speak Connor spoke:

Connor: Oh, right. I'm sorry. This place is lovely, Cadenza.

I looked at him and I noticed my heart was beating fast. I really didn't know why I said looking at him with a smile and looking at the watch on my wrist, " Yes it is it's been it used to be my grandmother's house before she passed away on an accident while being here." As tears were brought into my eyes I sniffed a little. Then, I felt someone pull me into their arms as I cried into Connor's arms and I hugged him back, then we were pulled by a stop I noticed we were home at the house I knew before she passed. I then heard the car door about to open I then pulled back from the embrace and quickly wiped the tears away. Connor was the first to come out of the car and Sebastian helped me out of the car and then we entered my house, as we came in one of the servants took off my jacket and Connor's as well. Then Connor looked really familiar with my house.

Connor: So this is your house?... I remember Hank and I walking by here to go see Sumo, his dog.

Who's Hank? I have never seen them before unless Connor was here with his friend last week to talk to my father about something I guess. I'll ask him right now, I look at Connor and ask, "Um, Connor were you that person that was here with two people that were at the servants' exit last week?" Then I notice that my mother and father come down-stairs and they both notice me and Connor. Mother smiles that she sees me and embraces me and says " Oh! Finally, my daughter brought me a boyfriend! I bet they will give me grandchildren!" I blushed at what mother said as father came towards me and tells mother," Janet, I bet they are just friends, not like that my dear I am very sorry for what my wife said." Father looked at Connor who was flipping his coin a few times and him," May I know your name, sir." I told father about school then brought the topic of Connor I said looking at father," Father, Connor can he stay here until he can get his own apartment, he also doesn't have a job about him being a detective just so he can earn money or something." And father agreed to and walked towards him and asked him.

Connor: Hello Mr. Jones. My name is Connor, I'm the android sent by Cyberlife. Your daughter Cadenza is very lovely. It is very nice to meet you, sir.

My father responds with a smile on his face," Pleasure to meet you too Connor, my daughter also told me that you are looking for a place to stay and a job so what do ya say you work for me as a detective to help me with criminals and all of that jazz." While shaking hands with one another.

Connor: *smiling* I would be honored to work with you Mr. Jones.

Then a servant told us that dinner was served. Connor, me, mother, and father, walked to the dining room to eat. Connor was drooling for food and I laughed when we all sat and talked and even ate our food. It's been a long time since we laughed, and smiled for at least 5 years after James had departed to the war in China. Then after we finished eating, we all started to head into bed but since there were no more rooms available, Connor had to sleep in my room. I blushed a little because I had only one bed, and I would have to sleep with Connor.

Connor took off his android jacket, and underneath was a white buttoned down shirt.

I grabbed my pajamas that I had, went to the bathroom, turned on the shower and started to sing.

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