Chapter 33: MudWings Are Dumb

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["AHH! A CLIFF HANGER! POST THE NEXT PART! POST THE NEXT PART!! " Well you guys get your wish; here it is, the next three chapters!]

    "LET ME GO!" Flint roared, struggling in the strong MudWings' grip. The MudWing who had called out that he was a murderer turned it to be one of the MudWing Princesses, the one that was falling in love with the General he assassinated, no less. Her name was Princess Lilypad.

     "Take him to the dungeon!" she cried, looking sorrowfully at General Swamp's dead body that a guard was carrying beside her. Flint snorted out a puff of smoke.

     "How the hell are these bastards even touching me?!" he ordered, leering at the two MudWing guards who were holding him hostage.

      Suddenly, Queen Moorhen herself stepped forward. Flint frowned.

     "These happen to be my special, fireproof guards.." she explained.

      Fireproof?! Flint thought exasperatedly. He snarled at the MudWing Queen, lashing his tail.

     "Now now, don't be angry at me, I didn't make you murder my General and one of my good palace guards," the Queen said tauntingly, gesturing to the two bleeding bodies.

     "But... I am curious.. Why? Why did you kill my dragons?" Queen Moorhen continued.

      Must.. not.. tell.. mission.... he thought strenuously. There was silence.

     "Fine, have it your way," the MudWing Queen sighed.

      The guards dragged him down to a dank and dirty prison, roughly throwing him in one of the cells. He landed with an 'oof' on the dusty floor. Leaping back up, he ran to the now closed bars.

     "Wait! What's going to happen to me?" he called, distressed. One of the guards glanced back at him.

     "You'll likely be put to death," he grunted, lashing his black and murk-brown tail. Flint's eyes widened.

      Uh-oh.. If I were slain by MudWings, Father would hunt for my corpse and kill me again, Flint thought grimly.

      He began looking around the cell for a way out. It was about 343 ft³, enough room for a small cot (which Flint clearly couldn't lay on-), food trays, and a hole dug for going to the bathroom.

      Classy, he observed. Well, compared to the SkyWing dungeon anyway..

      He suddenly remembered one of the most important things his father had told him and RedRunner: "If either of you get captured by the dunce tribes (RainWings, MudWings, etc.), play dead. They'll be too stupid to realize the truth." His father's words rung in his head.

      Play dead, eh? Flint thought deviously. If it was dead SkyWing the MudWings wanted, it was dead SkyWing they would get! He flopped over on the ground while making fake choking noises.

      One of the MudWing guards must have noticed that something wasn't right and come to check it out because Flint hard talon-steps coming toward him. He stopped breathing, going completely limp. The dragon let out a surprised snort and stomped off, out of the dungeon.

      Flint began breathing again, softly, as to not let the other prison guards know he wasn't dead. He stayed like his for about twenty minutes. When the guard came back, he unlocked the cell to get Flint's body.

      Smirking, Flint leaped up and lunged at the MudWing. He started screaming and calling for backup, but his scales were already sizzling.

      The guard fell to the ground, but there were already six backup guards running in to stop Flint.

      "Halt!" they yelled.

     "Time for these assholes to die," Flint growled, leaping at the head guard and snapping his neck. The other guards surrounded him. He glared at the circle of mud dragons, lashing his tail.

     "We have you now," the black and brown guard that he had talked to before growled, reaching for him.

     "I don't think so!" Flint retorted, grabbing onto one of his talons. He started screaming and the area filled with smoke. As the MudWing flailed his arm around, Flint leapt of, dashing for the exit.

     "Stop him!" one of the guards ordered through the chaos. The other guards began racing after him.

      After glancing back for split second, Flint flew out of the dungeon toward the palace's exit.

     "Au revoir, suckers!" Flint taunted the mob of MudWing guards chasing him as he soared out the door.

      It was only the pale light of dawn that he flew by, out of the Mud Kingdom, toward his home.

      I did it, he beamed. I did it, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat!

An Assassin's Choice {Wings Of Fire Fanfic/AU}Where stories live. Discover now