The Dark Mark

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Narrator pov

"Let's go!let's go!" Arthur called out to the kids.
"Come on! We have to go!"

The children started to run out the tents, just like everyone around them.

Fred grabbed Amelia and wrapped his arm around her as George did the same to Ginny.

"Come on,we gotta get out of here.I can protect you while George protects Ginny." Fred yells.

"I can't leave Harry, where is he?" Amelia yelled.

"Amelia,we have to go!"

"Go! I can protect my self." She got out of his grip and ran to find Harry. She heard yells from the twins.

Fred looked at his brother and yelled,"We can't leave Amelia!" He turned back towards where Amelia ran, but she was gone.

"We have too! Come on!"

Fred then ran with his sister and brother. Amelia ran past people who were running or apparating or using port keys to get out.

"damnit,where are you?" I whispered to myself.

Things were lighting on fire, people in dark outfits were running after people and grabbing them, I wanted to help but. . .what could I do? My scar burned as my vision blurred, and I stumbled. I blacked out.

Draco pov
I was waiting for my father to return,my mother was back at home but my dad was one of the death eaters taking mudbloods, I heard Potter and his stupid friends talking.

"I don't know where she is!" Harry said.

"What do you mean you don't know where Amelia is?"

This wasn't suppose to happen, they weren't suppose to take her, my mother said they wouldn't. Before they could notice me I sneaked away, I looked around until I saw her passed out on the ground, I ran over to her and kneeled down .People were running around us, yelling and trying to get away. I didn't care, only she mattered.


She then blinked a few times and sat up,

"are you alright?" I asked.

"Get away from me.." She started to scoot away and grab her wand.


"Get the bloody hall away from me."She pointed her wand to me.

"What Lilia?"

"Don't call me that." She looked at me more angry. "why didnt they attack you?"

Amelia pov
"You are an idiot."

"smarter than you." I hissed.

"I'm not a muggle, now drop your wand."

"will you try to hurt me?" I ask.


I then remembered, I couldn't find Harry.

"where is Harry?" I ask. "Have you seen him?"

"of course you're worried about him,why don't you worry about yourself for once?" Draco says.

"I can protect myself." I said and I stood up and he did to.
I started to walk away but Draco followed me.

"stop following me."I said annoyed.

"no,I'm not leaving. Watch out!"He grabbed onto me and pulled me down as a spell was cast at me, we were both hidden behind a bush.

"you need to be careful."

"I will be fine, i just need to find my brother."

"I'm not leaving you until I know they aren't here anymore and you will be safe." Malfoy says.

"I will be fine." I hiss. I stood up but he pulled me back down and pointed to someone in a dark cloak with a mask on who was going after two people.

"we should help them!"

"We can't!"

"I need to find my friends, Hermione is in danger."  He put one of his hands over my mouth as someone in black turned to the bushes where we were hidden.

The person started to walk to us, Draco finally let go of me. I whispered,"what are you doing?"

He looked at me,"saving your stupid life." He went to stand up by I grabbed him and pulled him down and whispered, "no, don't."

He whispered back to me,"I will be fine, they won't dare to hurt me." I shook my head no as he stood up and the death eater stopped and said, "oh, it's just you." Then the death eater,which I'm guessing is Lucius Malfoy said, "come on, we don't want to get caught."

Draco walked away from me and to his father and they apparated away. I looked around and grabbed my wand from the ground and snuck away.

I walked around until I saw someone laying on the ground. I ran up to the person and bent down, it was Harry. He had also blacked out.


His eyes started to open.


We both stood up and looked around for someone we knew.

"Who is that?"  I ask. This guy pointed his wand to the sky and yelled a spell and something goes into the sky. He starts walking towards us, until Ron and Hermione starts yelling our names.

Me and Harry held our scars that were hurting badly, People yelled "stupefy!" And Arthur yelled for us. Barty Crouch Sr also yelled some stuff because he thought it was one of us who conjured the dark mark. I could barely hear anything.

"What is that?" Harry and I ask.

"It's you-know-who's sign, Harry."

Long story short, they thought it was the house elf called winky. Winky then got sacked. So she doesn't work for the Crouches anymore. I felt bad for her because I knew she didn't do it, she couldn't have. That night, the only thing I could think about was Draco.

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