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Amelia pov
I was with Ron in the stands, waiting for Hermione. She finally came up and the challenge started. It was Fleur, Viktor, and then Cedric. Harry was going to go last, he had a Hungarian Horntail.

"Do you think he will be okay?" I asked.

"Yeah." Ron says. "He will be totally fine. He's blimey Harry Potter."

The first three champions all made it and got the egg, they were all a little hurt. Cedric got a bad burn causing him to slow down and get third place but I know that Madam Pomfrey will fix him up immediately. It took most of them a while, so far, Fleur did do it the fastest. Harry is next, we cheer his name as he walks out onto the field. Some booed him. I heard Hagrid's loud cheering over everyone else.

I watched as Harry climbed on the large rock in the middle of where the quidditch field use to be, he was going towards the golden egg. The the dragon flies at him, the dragon was connected to a chain. You could tell the dragon could easily free itself if it was angered enough. This frightened me even more. He started to dodge the dragon, multiple times, jumping on the huge rocks and hiding behind the rocks, again and again.

I prayed that he would use what Moody and I were helping him with, the summoning spell. He needs his broom.  He way okay so far, he was dodging the dragon, hiding from it and casting spells at it. People were still cheering and booing for him.

I looked like the dragon pulled in the chain, like the chain had broke. I leaned closer. . .The dragon had definitely got loose from the chain. Use the spell, Harry. . .

Harry yelled loudly, " Accio Firebolt!!" His wand pointed up. I sighed. His firebolt came flying towards him. He hops on his broom and flies up as the dragon follows behind, the dragon slams into where the teachers are sitting. I couldn't see if anyone got injured, I was too busy looking for my brother from so far away.

"Good one, dragon!" Fred and George yelled. People looked at them, some serious, some laughing.

"Yeah! Good one dragon!" One of Creeveys friend yelled. Harry then flied where absolutely no one could see him, the large dragon follows and also disappeared. We could hear crashing, yelling. I have no idea what is happening. No one knew what was happening.

"So they are just going to let it loose? what if it destroys the school?" Another one of Creeveys friends said

"Shhh."  A older kid shushed them, trying to see literally anything, like everyone else who cared.

There were whispers, for a long time no one could see him. I was getting worried.

"What if the dragon ate him or bit his limbs off." Creevey said worried. "That's death."

Hermione, Ron and I all glanced back at them. Some people started gasping, pointing, screaming as I finally saw Harry as he was flying on his very broken broom. We all cheered for him and clapped, he got off his broom and grabbed the golden egg at the bottom.

Ludo voted a ten.

He had a nine from Dumbledore.

An 8 from Madame Maxine.

Another 9 from mr crouch.

And one 4, I think anyone could guess who gave him that. . .Karkaroff.

But he was first place, we all cheered. "Yeah Harry!"


"Look, you know he didn't put his name in. So stop being stubborn and forgive him!" I said in a loud-whisper tone to Ron over the loud cheering.


"Great!Now get your arse over there!"I said and looked towards Harry and Hermione who were talking. I dragged Ron towards Harry.

"I'm sorry." Ron said. I rolled my eyes. He could of done better but whatever, I guess that was bloody fine.

"It's okay." Harry said after a while of silence, "forget it."

"No." Ron said,"I shouldn't've—"

"Forget it." Harry repeated.

Ron grinned nervously as Hermione burst into tears.

"There's nothing to cry about, Hermione." Harry told her

"You two are stupid!" She shouted and grabbed all of us and dragged us towards her into a hug as more tears fell from her face.

"Barking mad." Ron whispered

"Bloody mad." Harry muttered.

"I'm surprised he even got the egg." Draco said to crabbe and goyle. "He should of gotten his head bitten off."

Crabbe and goyle agreed immediately.

"I wonder what happened to the dragon?" Crabbe asked.

"Well, obviously, they took it back to where where it came from." Draco said.  I tried to not pay attention to their conversation and listen to Theo, Blaise, and Daphne tell jokes to each other. We were all sitting in the common room on the couches. Malfoy and his friends were a few feet away.

"Okay, but that doesn't even make any sense!" Daphne said to theo.

"It makes exact sense!"

"Okay, what about this one." Blaise said. "What did the the nut say when it was chasing the other nut?"

They were trying to tell jokes from a Muggle book they stole from a first year.

"I don't know?"

"I'm a cashew."  Blaise laughed.

"That doesn't make sense either."

"Okay, here." Daphne read from the book. "What did the ocean say to the island?" She smiled cheekily.

"This one is easy, it waved!" Blaise said, grabbing the book from her, flipping the thick pages. He smirked. "What happens to illegally parked frogs?"


"They get toad." Blaise said making us laugh.

"That's such a stupid joke!"

"Why was the scarecrow given a promotion?" I asked them.


"Because he was outstanding in his field." I say. They all burst out laughing. Blaise hands Daphne the book.

"What do you call an imaginary color?" Daphne asked. "A pigment of your imagination."

We laughed except Blaise," That doesn't make sense."

"Yes it does!" Daphne laughed," pigment?color?do you get it?"

"Oh! yes now I do!"  He then laughed.

"What's the difference between a dirty bus stop and a lobster with muggle-breast implants?"

"'s a lobster and a bus?"

"No, one is a crusty bus and the other is a busty crustacean." Theo laughed.

"What?" Daphne said confused

"Okays that is the one that definitely make zero sense." Blaise said.

We kept on telling each other stupid jokes that didn't make any sense, especially because they were not muggles.

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