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Amelia pov

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Amelia pov

Me,Hermione, Harry, and Ron were all walking in silence. It had been two weeks since the Yule ball and since Draco asked me out, we had secretly been meeting up every night and having small dates. Me, Ron and Hermione also helped Harry with the next task. We had all forgave each other.

I then finally said as we all walked, "Draco asked me out."

They all paused and turned to me.

"What?"  Harry says.

"You said no right?" Ron says.

"Well.. the opposite of no."


"Why is it a bad thing?" I ask them. Hermione stayed silent, she had a smile on her face.

"it's Draco Malfoy!" Harry says

"I know, I know."

"Harry, your sister is stupid."  Ron says

"Ron. You friend is more stupid." I snap

"She is not wrong." Hermione says.

"And I mean, it is just a boyfriend. Why does it matter?"

"He has bullied everyone, including us since 1st year.." harry says.

"Look, I don't know why I said yes!"

We all look up to see puggy and her other friends walking

"I'm leaving. Im going see fred and george to do a project."

Hermione speaks up, " we don't have any projects."

"I meant library, I'm gonna read a book,in the library." I add

H-how are you in Ravenclaw?

"not every Ravenclaw is smart and brilliant, Hermione."

"I don't know if that's suppose to help or be rude," I gave him a  look.

"Don't peel my skin off while I'm asleep." Ron says.
"Don't give me ideas." I say in return.
"Amelia calm down." Harry says

Pansy then mocks, "yeah, Amelia, calm down."

"Should we?"


"No, let's stay and watch Amelia destroy her with a spell."

"She is weak, she wouldn't be able to."

Hermione grabbed my hand and pulled me away from them and we all walked away until I heard Pansy say,"you are weak just like your mudblood mother!"

The other girls started to laugh.

I grabbed Hermione's wrist and pushed it off me. I clenched both my fist, the lights started blinking, the wind quickening. It was like what happened at the Dursleys. I focused on Pansy, she started to stumble, "I'm dizzy.." she slammed into one of her friends and passed out.


I took a deep breath, and they dragged me away.

"She is lucky she isn't dead yet. I would gladly push her off the astronomy tower." I storm away.

I run outside where Cedric usually is,  he was with his friends.

"hello Cedric! Hello Cedric's friends."

"oh, hey Amelia."

"I was wondering if you could tell me about the challenge if you know anything?"


"Well, tell me."


Amelia pov

I was in the hallway,waiting for Luna and neville to meet me here so we could go to the black lake.

Harry already knows what to do to find out the task.So,I just wait and see what happens.

Let's hope no one messes this up.

"Amelia." Someone said from behind me. I turned around.

"Oh, Draco. Hey."i said and smiled. He smiled back.

"I was wondering if you could meet me in Hogsmeade on Saturday,after the tournament?" He said.


"For our first real date, heiress." he said, and kissed me on my head.

"will you ever stop calling me that?" I asked

Harry pov
I figured out that merpeople were real. Like mermaids! I heard quiet footsteps behind me, I turned around and no one was there. I looked back at my map.Mr crouch was in Professor snapes room? that is so weird..

I kept on walking down the stairs,the footsteps were still following me. I heard people talking, which frightened me and my egg dropped and fell down the stairs.

Filch picked it up and laughed and started to talk about how it could help him kick out peeves.My map also fell,Snape then walked up to him and they talked, well argued.

Moody then also walked towards them,his eyes were traveling around and then to me,I then remembered,he could see me under my invisibility cloak.

Snape then looked down at the map and grabbed it, he started to add up the pieces.He knew I was here somewhere,Moody started to say I wasn't.

My cloak then got lifted up from the back,I turned my head quickly and looked at Amelia. I pointed to the professors and she nodded. The egg floated up out of filch's hand and the map floated out of Snapes hands into hers.

They all looked confused, We both were silent and waited until they all left.

"Amelia, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"no time to explain, you're welcome though." She said and she handed me back my stuff.


Hermione,Ron,and Amelia and I were at the library trying to find out how I would be able to breath underwater.

"I have to hold my breathe underwater for a hour." I tell them.

"that's problematic."  Amelia mutters with a yawn.


A random Hufflepuff student comes up to us, "The professors need you to come to Professor McGonagall's office."

We all get up. "Not you three, only her."the student added.

"but I'm trying to help harry."  Amelia says.

"yeah, the next challenge is in a few hours."

"He will be fine." The student says. "Those two can help."

They walk away, me and Ron, and Hermione were up all night looking through books until we both fell asleep.

In the morning I heard someone yelling at me and Ron to wake. We sat up and looked at Dobby.

"Dobby, What's wrong?" I yawn.

" YOU ONLY HAVE A FEW MINUTES TILL THE NEXT TASK!THEY HAVE TAKEN AMELIA POTTER!!THATS WHAT YOU LOST! " he yelled quickly to the point where I could barely understand.

"What?" We both immediately stood up."We haven't figured out anything!"

Dobby smiled, putting these green slimy worm type things in my hand, "Dobby heard the professors talking!This will work to help get Amelia Potter back!"

1010 words

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