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Harry and I walked out of Dumbledore office, we were going to go tell Sirius about what Dumbledore told us and what the pensive showed us.

Should I tell Harry about what I know..


What about Dumbledore?

Everyone trusts him.

But you don't.

I think I should.

He won't help,he only makes it worse.

Me and Harry hear arguing, a door was open and we both look. It was snape and igor Karkaroff arguing.they both walk out and Igor walks away from us.

Harry and I quickly go to walk away to.

"why in such a hurry?" Snape says making us stop.

Snape walks in and climbed up and grabbed a bottle and ask, "know what this is?"

"bubble juice?"harry guessed

"Truth serum, veritaserum." Snape says. "Three drops of this and You-know-who himself would spill his darkest secrets. The use of it on a student is,regrettably,forbidden. However,should you steal from my personal stores hand might just slip over your morning pumpkin juice."

"we haven't stolen anything," I say.

"Do not lie to me." He states, looking at Harry and I. "Gillyweed may be innocuous,but boomslang skin,lacewing flies?You and your friends are brewing polyjuice potion,and believe me, i am going to find out why!"

He then shut the door as me and Harry walked away.


I was laying on Dracos chest as he played with my hair. He then grabbed my hips and made me sit on his lap facing him.


"I have a present for you," he says.

I gasp jokingly, "is it Christmas once again?"

He gave me a seriously look and I smiled, "What's the present?"

"you have to go get it."

I looked around his dorm room and then looked at him. "I do not see a present anywhere."

"under the bed,"

"why is a present under the bed?"

"because I didn't want anyone to see it," he smiled.

"If I see a spider or snake under the bed, this will be the end of your life. I will literally murder you."

"I promise it's good, darling."

"Okay then." I got off and looked under the bed.

There was a red present that was wrapped with green ribbon and a matching bow. I grabbed it, pulling it towards me. I sat on the bed with the box in my lap. I took off the ribbon and then the red wrapping paper.

Then I opened the box and there was a Shiny Eiffel Tower Keychain.

I looked at him and said,"Thank you, I will use this for the matching expensive Paris bag that I do not own for when I go to France in my dreams."

He laughed and I gave him a confused look and said,"what?"

"It's not for a bag, well it could be, but it's a hint." He said.

"For what stupid."I said.

"We are going to Paris, heiress."He said smiling at me.

"Right now?"I asked."cause I would love to leave this school for Paris."

"No, during the summer." He answered. I smiled and got back on top of him and kissed him and then pulled away.


"so what?" I said confused.

"will you come with me?"

"is it going to be just us?" I asked.

He nodded,"no family, no friends."

"alright." I said as I smiled.

He went to kiss me again but I put my finger on his mouth and said,"I have something to do."

He groaned and said,"please stay."

"Fine. But.. If my friends get mad at me,I'm blaming it on you."I said.

"Alright." he whispered,he wrapped his arms around me.

"They will hate you even more than they do now!"

"I don't care."

The Potter Twins (4th year)Where stories live. Discover now