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Ron and I were running to the black lake deck where everyone was, I was pushing past everyone. "Move! Move now!"

Everyone looked shocked to see that I showed up, I guess they didn't think I would.

"Harry is here!"

"Welcome to the Second Challenge" Dumbledore said.

"This is the water challenge, our contestants lost a item and have to get it back." He said.

The whistle blew. I swallow the green things that Dobby gave me  as everybody else jumped in as I gagged, Moody then pushed me in.
I feel pain, my feet grow and my hands to. I look at my body, I had scales and I was like a human fish.

I then remembered, Amelia is in trouble. I start swimming ahead, I look around. It takes me a long time,remember only 1 hour to find my sister.

1 hour. I had to hurry.

I followed the sound of singing. I see someone with a large tail, she then runs away. I go through the seaweed. I see Amelia, Fleurs little sister, Cho and Hermione.

I have to save one, does the other die? Fleur didn't get through. Cedric tells me. He frees cho. Viktor frees his friend, i don't see Fleur. Who do I choose my sister or someone I don't know?

I get out my wand and free both them. The fish things called gryndilows surround me.

"only one!"

"But.." I speak.

Was I going to choose a random girl..or Amelia, my twin sister, my best friend.

"Only one"

I grab Fleurs sister and Amelia and swim ad quick as I can. Both of them asleep, or passed out. I swam and swam until I saw the ladder. The gryndilow things gripped onto me and dragged only me down as I let go of both of them.

Amelia pov

I first woke up and gasped. Letting the water in my lungs, being able to breathe again. When I reached the surface I started to cough, Fleur's little sister had woken up, I helped her climb up and I climbed up after her.

A few gryffindors ran to me. I pulled off my soaked Gryffindor robe I had on from last night. Hermione and Ron sat next to me, Seamus put a towel around me.

"you okay?"

"Where is he? Harry?"

"I don't know."
I turned and looked at the water ,waiting for Harry. He had to come back, please come back up. Time was running out, I turned and looked at everyone, they were waiting. I looked back at the time. Three minutes. I looked at Dumbledore, who was staring down at me.

He swore no one was going to die.

"Where is he?" Someone called out to me, loudly.

"Amelia, what happened to him?"

"I don't know," I say. "I don't know."

Come on Harry..Come on..two minutes. I turned around and looked at everyone else who was waiting for Harry to come out of the water.I looked back at the clock.

Me, Ron, Hermione, and all the other gryffindors that were near me looked at each other.

There was only silence,no one was talking.

"fuck." I whispered under my breath.

I then took the towel off me and dived back in.

I swam down and looked for Harry,he was at the bottom, eyes closed. Please don't be dead.
Please don't be dead.

I repeated those four words in my head as I swam towards him and grabbed him and started swimming up, the mermaid things followed us, I took out my wand and hit them with spells.

I got to the ladder, Cedric and Ron pulled him up and laid him down.

I then climbed up to ladder and sat next to him. "Harry? Wake up!"

I paused, staring down angrily.


"Move out the way!" Madam Pomfrey yelled, running to us.

"Madam Pomfrey.." i said, a tear going down my face.

"Oh dear, more trouble, I see." She says.

I nod, "always."

I watched as she did her thing. Harry had gasped awake and sat up , coughing up water.

Dumbledore started to speak the announcement, first place was Cedric, Second was Harry, third was Viktor and Fleur was fourth place.

The Potter Twins (4th year)Where stories live. Discover now