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Flashbacks from before Krum asked Amelia out
~Draco pov~
"What do you want, mudblood — and you."  Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley approached me.

"You're going to want to be nicer." Ginny Weasley  said.

"No, blood traitor."

"But we are going to help you pick out a dress for Amelia, and maybe if your nice enough, we can help you ask her."Hermione said.

"I don't want to ask that girl out." I said, with fake disgust. "and If I did, I wouldn't need your help." I walked away.

I felt their footsteps follow me, these girls are so annoying.

"Do you even know her favorite color? or what kind of dresses she likes? Or what kind of heels she likes?" ginny asked.

"No. . .but I could find out."

"So, you think she's just going to tell you?" Hermione said.

I shrugged, "I could just find a way. Now leave."

"Nope. Amelia is our best friend,and you. . .well. . ." Ginny pointed to me awkwardly. "You obviously fancy her. So we have to make sure she is happy and that you don't mess up." She then adds. "As usual."

I rolled my eyes, "I never mess up."

"You do." Hermione said. I glanced at her angrily, and then looked away.

"Whatever."Ginny said and then whispered to Hermione, "I think we should let him mess up."

"No."Hermione hissed quietly, "if they don't get together then what is this stupid —

"I can literally hear you." I muttered.

"Shut up." Hermione said.

"He's a Malfoy." Ginny hissed back, "He doesn't deserve Amelia."

"Yeah, I'm-"

"Shut up!" They both Snapped.

I rolled my eyes and started to walk away.

"Where are you going!" Hermione hissed.

"Away from you." I said

"No, you are not!" Demanded Hermione. "Or I am going to punch you again."

I turned back around and crossed my arms, waiting.

"and if you mess this up I will hex you until Madam Pomfrey can't even fix you." Ginny threatened. They started whispering again.

Narrator pov
"Why are we helping him again?" Ginny said crossing her arms and leaning against the wall.

"Because him and Amelia obviously fancy each other." Stated Hermione

"But they hate each other." Said Ginny

"But they snogged! Like they totally have feelings!I can sense when people have feelings." said Hermione

"Uh huh.So you realize you have feelings for Ron?" Ginny said

"I don't! he is just a friend!My best friend!"
Hermione looked away.

"Just a friend, my arse." Ginny muttered  to herself.

"Hey! Language! you're thirteen." Hermione said.

"What? everyone says hell and arse!" Ginny said.

Draco Malfoy was walking down the hall and noticed then two, "Merlin." He muttered and  turned away, trying to go back the other way.

"There he is!" Ginny said and dragged Hermione towards him.

"Why can't you go back to hating me!"

"We do hate you." Ginny said.

"Great! so leave me alone." Draco said and went to walk away.

Ginny started to take out her wand but Hermione grabbed it from her,"not now."

Ginny pov
I was making up plans on how to kill Malfoy, or do a little damage. I suggested poison to myself. Or I could just hex him. Or maybe I could use some herbology help from Neville.

"Alright, so you're going to go get the dress and heels. Also get two nice boxes or something to put them in and a ribbon. And make sure they are her favorite color!"

"Do you even remember her favorite color?" I asked annoyed.

He probably wasn't even paying attention.

"It's green because it is the color of her favorite trees leaves. A dark green not neon."  He says.

"What's her fourth favorite color?" I asked him.

"That weird purple color." He said

"Mhm and why?"I asked.

"I don't know! never told me!" Draco said.

"Favorite food?" I asked him.

"Obviously Bagels."  Draco answered. He was growing confident. "She eats them every morning with her left hand."

"That was easy. Favorite pair of shoes?" I said.

"Idk those muggle shoes?you know the black one she started wearing last year." Said Draco.

"Favorite place?" I asked.

"I don't know? Hogwarts?" he answered.

"That was also easy. Hm.. favorite.. flower?" I asked.

Draco answered quickly,"Lilies."

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know!"

"What is her diary color?" I said knowing he wouldn't be able to answer that.

"I don't know?Green?Purple?White?Yellow?Black?Blue?"

"Wrong!she has tons of diaries,all different colors." I said smirking.

"Seriously?" He said

"Should of got that one correct." I said and looked at Hermione, "he isn't worthy of her."

"Worthy?" He said confused.

"We didn't tell you to speak." I snapped at him.

"I can speak when ever I want." he snapped back. "Because I'm—"

"Not right now, you can't." I hissed

"Alright. . .Calm down."

I then looked at him again, "what's her parents names?"

"Lily and James, everyone knows that."

"Yeah, whatever."

"You need to shut your mouth, blood trai—

"Quiet!" Hermione raised her voice. "She doesn't want a yellow dress, or a white dress."

"Wow, that makes it so easy." He rolls his eyes.
Narrator pov
"Harry, just go ask her." Amelia said.

"I can't!"

Amelia rolled her eyes at her twin brother.

"Okay.. I will give you money if you do." She said.

"We share money, idiot." Harry muttered. He stared for a second and then stood up, "I'm going to do it."


He went to walk out the portrait but stopped. He walked back to me, "I can't do it!"

"Well, that sucks. I heard Neville was going ask her." I lied.

His eyes widened,"okay! I need your help. How do I ask her?"

"Just ask her like you asked Cho, just less awkward."I said.

"What if she says no?" He asked.

"Well then. . .you can go with. . .I don't know."

981 words

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