The Long Way Round [Intruality]

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AU: College AU/ Fake Dating AU

TW: None that I know of

WC: 1199

Date: 8/10/2021

"Janus! I need your help."

"You said my name properly, it must be dire." Janus set down his book, looking up at Remus with a skeptical eye. The two of them had been friends for long enough that he knew not to trust it when Remus used his name properly. He at least had the decency to stop calling him J-Anus while they were at school but each day was still a different nickname.

"Okay, so you know how I would murder someone for Patton, yes?"

"You mean the fluffy-haired child development major, who has thighs so thick you would willingly die under them? I might remember you mentioning him once or twice."

"Yes, yes, so I came up with a plan... or really a plan came to me while I was watching my brother's dumb movies." He said. "What if we date?"


"What if we date?"

"No, I heard you, I'm just trying to imagine a world in which our dating gets you a date with Patton."

"According to a bunch of movies, if I date someone else, Patton will get jealous and realize that he liked me all along."

"There is a reason that trope exists in stories and not in the real world."

"Come on, please!"

"This is not going to happen, Remus, why don't you just go ask him out?"

"What if you help me with this, and I get you set up with..." Remus gagged a bit, "my brother?" He forced out.

That got Janus' attention.

"Alright, let's play. I will give you one week."

"Hey-" Janus held up his hand to silence Remus.

"You get 1 week of pretend dating. You explain to your brother beforehand what is going on, and if, at the end of the week, Patton has not said anything to you, you have to tell him."

Remus groaned, rocking on his feet. "Two weeks and I make myself scarce around you and Roman for another week."

"Fine," Janus said, holding out his hand. "But I'm not kissing you."


The two shook on it and with that, the game began.

Remus enjoyed the charade. He showed Janus affection in public any chance they could get. Being Janus' best friend it was hilarious; he would splutter and blush and gently push Remus away before looking around at who exactly saw. The only problem was that Patton didn't seem to notice or care at all. They were actually having coffee together when Remus casually brought up Janus, and Patton just smiled.

"I'm just so glad you are happy Remus, you deserve happiness."

It felt like something shattered in his heart because Patton didn't care at all, did he? Sure, he was happy for Remus, but that was because they were friends. Remus was happy with their friendship, but he wanted more. If Patton only wanted friendship, he would continue to be Patton's friend, but he would have to take a step back for a bit.

"Hey, are you okay?" Patton reached out for him, putting a gentle hand on his.

"Yeah, yeah." Remus jerked away. "Just swallowed a bug or something." Shit, he was going to cry. He stood up pretty quickly. "Sorry, I gotta go meet Janus."

He didn't hear it as Patton yelled out for him to wait, pulling the straps on his backpack tighter, walking as quickly as his long gait would allow him. Patton probably didn't like him like that, which was fine, but everything seemed to rush into his brain all at once.

Remus wasn't loved. Not by Patton, Roman barely put up with him, and Janus was going to abandon him when he and Roman got together.

He was going to get left behind.

Remus collapsed on a stone bench outside of Janus' business ethics class, his hands finding their way into his hair. He was being dumb, Janus wasn't going to leave him, just because society valued romantic relationships more than platonic ones. Janus was above societal norms like that.

But what if he got tired of Remus? He wasn't always the easiest to deal with.

Oh no, was Remus putting their relationship second by asking to fake date Janus to get with someone else? How was Janus not already disgusted with him?

"Remus," Patton had caught up with him. The man's soft voice broke through his thoughts and he looked up, a worried look etched on soft features. "Remus, what's wrong? Did I say something?"

He wanted to brush it off like it wasn't an issue, but the words came tumbling out of his mouth. He couldn't stop them, he rarely had any control over his tongue. "I don't want to be left behind," he whimpered.

"Woah, kiddo, what do you mean? Where is this coming from?"

"Janus likes Roman and he is going to leave me for him because I am a bad friend? And he should." He couldn't get his thoughts straight, they were a jumbled mess, screaming at him.

"I... I don't think Janus would do that to you. You are very important to him, and I know that your brother wouldn't do anything like that. Janus is your boyfriend and I'm sure Roman respects that."

Remus shook his head. "Janus and I aren't actually dating, it's fake, he likes Roman, and I know that doesn't mean he will stop hanging out with me, but what if he realizes Roman is better? He already thinks he's more attractive."

"That's a lot to unpack," Patton held him close, running a hand through his hair. "Do you want to start by telling me why you and Janus were fake dating?"

Remus hesitated before muttering something into Patton's shoulder.

"Can't hear you there."

"Because I was trying to make you jealous, but you don't think of me like that."

"Jealous, oh Remus, I'm not the jealous type. That doesn't mean I'm not interested in you, it just means your happiness means more to me than a label."

"I thought you just didn't like me. That's why you weren't jealous."

"I like you very much Remus, but that's why I just want you to be happy." He gently stroked Remus' hair, slowly pulling him into a hug. "Whatever made you think making me jealous was the best way to win me?"

"Roman's romance novels."

There was a moment of silence before Patton laughed. It wasn't condescending, just soft and melodic in a way that rumbled Remus' chest. "Oh silly, I think it's much better for us to communicate openly and honestly. So how about this, Janus is already walking over here. The three of us can talk together, and then maybe I could take you out on a date."

Remus smiled, pushing back his tears. "Yeah, to the aquarium maybe?"

"I like that idea."

Remus smiled up at him, looking at Janus who was now within earshot. "I'm assuming Patton knows."

"Yeah," Remus said, "And you were right."

"I always am."

A weight was lifted off of Remus' chest and he felt like he could breathe again. He was still going to need to rest and unpack everything he had been worried about, but he had one less thing pulling down his mind.

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