Flowers in Ink [Intrulogicality]

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AU: Tattoo Parlor AU

TW: Sexual Innuendo

WC: 1067

Date: 8/23/2021

Logan heard a deep and dramatic sigh from the chair next to his desk. He didn't bother looking over to see who it was because there was only one person who was allowed in his office without his prior consent. Remus, his business and life partner, was sprawled across the desk.

"Are you, by any chance, thinking of the pretty florist again?"

Remus nodded with a pout, looking up at Logan with such pitiful eyes and he actually put down his pen and began running his hands through Remus' hair.

"Why don't you ask him out? I certainly am not stopping you."

"I know you aren't, Protoplasm, but see whereas you are very logical about courting someone and I ranked surprisingly high on your compatibility metrics, most florists don't like bad boys."

"What exactly makes you a bad boy?"

Remus sat up, looking at Logan quizzically before motioning to all of himself, but mostly making a point about all of his tattoos.

"I still don't understand how tattoos change a person's personality or 'good boy/bad boy' status."

"Yeah, I know you don't get it, and that is one of the most adorable things about you." He grabbed Logan's rolling chair and pulled it towards him, just so that he could kiss him.

The two of them shared a soft kiss before Logan pulled away. "I still think you should tell him. You have no other clients scheduled for today, and I can manage the rest of the staff, go flirt with the... as you put it 'soft-hearted flower boy' but if you don't make some progress I might have to make Brussels sprouts for dinner."

"Ew," Remus stuck out his tongue. "Alright, alright, I'll ask him out. No need to threaten me with the green balls of death."

"I thought that was more appropriate than blue balls."

"Gasp, Logan "My Heart" Prince, did you just make a balls joke?"

"That is not my name," Logan said with a smirk, gently pushing Remus off of his lap. "My husband must be rubbing off on me, now go."

"Alright, Alright," Remus said as he slid off, looking at Logan with a soft smile that faded into something mischievous.

"Don't you dare!"

Remus jumped at him, rubbing his mustache against Logan's neck causing him to squirm and laugh before quickly pulling away. "Good luck with the shop!"

"I will murder you." His voice was too fond to be serious.

Logan sat back in his chair, pushing his sleeve up to look at the tattoo his husband had given him. He began to run his fingers over the intricate designs that had their names hidden in the tattoo. Remus had broken his only rule for this one. He didn't tattoo names for romantic reasons, though technically Logan hadn't asked for this in order to be romantic. He liked to chronicle important things in his life. He still had his college diploma framed. He had the license plate from his first car and Remus... Remus had been such an important piece in his life, that a permanent mark on his skin seemed appropriate. Even if he and Remus ever broke up, which he seriously hoped wouldn't happen, Remus would still be an important part of his life.

The two of them had opened this tattoo shop, a place where Remus could explore his creativity and Logan had a place of control where he could keep things clean, organized, and well-stocked. It worked out well for both of them. He smiled, tracing the lines of binary code. His husband was amazing.

Standing up, Logan went to check on the rest of the shop, making sure the other two artists were doing okay and didn't need anything else.


Remus made his way down the street, straightening out his fishnet shirt and leather vest. He knew how he looked, and he liked it most of the time, but he always worried about scaring off the soft sweater-clad man. Remus loved Logan because he was logical, practical, but Patton was kind and compassionate. The two of them had different strengths and filled different holes in Remus' life. Logan grounded him, helped him remember reality, and plan for his dreams and his future, but Patton? Patton was pure encouragement.

Pushing the flower shop door open Remus smiled, seeing Patton standing at the counter.

"Oh, hello Remus! How are you today? Did Logan like the flowers you got last time?"

"Yeah, they were perfect as always. Have the Karens been treatin' you well? Do I need to get anyone for you?"

Patton giggled and it was like a fucking melody. "No, everyone has been amazing today. I've been so blessed."

"Good, I'm glad to hear it." Remus shifted a bit on his feet. "So, I wanted to ask, um... are you interested in me, or are you just being nice? Because if you are just being nice that's still fine. I'm still going to get flowers for Logan here because they are the best around, but I was just curious."

"Honestly, I probably need to examine my biases but I assumed you and Logan were monogamous, so I didn't even think about it. Best if I don't get my hopes up, right?"

"Oh, right, of course. Well, we aren't. Logan and I are both poly, Logan says that monogamy doesn't make any sense and that puts a lot of pressure on one person to meet all of your emotional needs. I, on the other hand, just think too many people are too pretty to just choose one." He started to ramble, trying to hide his blush. "So um... yeah, if you were interested I wanted to ask you out but I didn't want you to feel obligated," he said, running a hand through his neon hair.

"I haven't really thought about it because I was trying to be respectful, but I was thinking about getting a tattoo, maybe I can stop by after work and we can talk about both?"

His smile was happy and excited, and Remus was over the moon. "Yeah, yeah, that sounds great."


After less than an hour, Remus returned, a bright grin on his face. "Logan! He's going to come in after work to schedule an appointment."

"Really, Cephie? That's fantastic," he whispered, giving Remus a soft hug. He was so glad to see his husband happy. "I hope it goes well."

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