Crumbled Walls and a Choice

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AU: Amnesia AU

TW: Mild description of wounds and blood

WC: 1780

Date: 8/19/2021 

Roman looked down at the man crumpled beneath his feet, the red a stark contrast to the bright yellow that normally adorned Janus.

"No, no, no," his sword long forgotten by his feet, Roman knelt down, trying to find a pulse. "Wake up Janus, Wake up." This was the imagination, Roman had never gotten hurt in the imagination, so why was Janus not healing.

"Slimy snake, if this is a prank to make me feel bad, you have accomplished your goal, now I request you wake up."

His pulse was there but it was faint. Roman hadn't meant to hit him with his shield, especially not in the head, but Janus had just snuck up behind him. This wasn't his fault, yet the guilt gripped him nonetheless.

"Janus," he whimpered before biting his lip and pulling Logan up. If anyone knew how to fix this situation it was going to be Logan.


The world came into focus in a dim haze that slowly cleared. Janus blinked gently as he pushed himself, groaning as he looked around. He didn't recognize anything he was seeing, even his perspective of the world felt a bit off. "Hello?"

"Oh, Janus, you are awake, thank goodness. Are you okay?" He began to mumble something that Janus couldn't fully understand, but he heard the words shield and mud.

"Janus?" He turned to look at the man speaking. The white prince outfit was almost blinding, and Janus covered his eyes, only to see his hand covered in a yellow glove. He frowned. "What is going on?"

"H-how much do you remember?" The bravado the prince initially spoke with had faded.

"I... I am a facet of someone else's personality, and my job is self-preservation, through whatever means necessary. Um... there are others... but I don't remember anything else."

The prince took in a sharp breath, and Janus looked back up at him, his face had lost all color.

"You don't remember anything else?" He asked, in a voice that almost sounded like begging.

"No, sorry, should I?"

"Y...yeah, you have had a full life. I... great Hera how am I supposed to handle this? LOGAN!"

There was movement from outside of the room, followed by a voice. "Roman, the only reason you should be shouting is if Janus woke up and is still injured or his condition has gotten worse."

"About that... If that was a multiple-choice test, I would choose the first one."

Logan, apparently, walked in and Janus looked him up and down. His physical features were much the same as the prince but he held himself completely differently.

"I'm guessing you are Logan?" This wasn't helping clear any of the confusion Janus had, and it was a bit frustrating.

"Yes, I am, considering you asked that I'm assuming your memories have been impaired in some way?" From the other man, he heard an offended noise that he was sure came with a dramatic flourish.

"That does seem like it, also, it seems like you are the intelligent one so will you answer my questions? I don't like being in the dark about my own existence."

"Of course."

Logan sat down next to Janus, asking to check him over while the two of them talked, and while Janus agreed, he still felt a little wary. It was only after Logan had answered every one of his questions carefully and succinctly that he felt the tenseness leach from his shoulders.

Sanders Sides AU AugustWhere stories live. Discover now