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[Art from the official Tumblr, Y0urB0yfriend]

Welcome to a short and sweet lil side project to work on when I get tired of my current book. Your Boyfriend is such a promising game and fanbase, and I want to jump right in :)
Yanderes have honestly never really appealed to me personally. The things people make them out to do were just really off putting. How Peter is portrayed, however, is something that really piques my interest and I've grown fond of him quickly. So here is a book that records canon facts, presents headcanons, and entertains scenarios of Peter and the other characters in the YB universe.

Reality check: YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE WITH A YANDERE OR SOMEONE WHO EMULATES ONE IN REAL LIFE. It is a toxic and very unhealthy mindset and dynamic, and can also be dangerous. Though fantasizing about yanderes can be okay, please keep yourself safe by rejecting these behaviours in real life.

The creator of Your Boyfriend has kindly asked everyone <18 to please not participate in the fandom until their are 1. Of age, or 2. The SFW version of the game is released. In conjunction with their message, if you are under eighteen please refrain from reading this book until one of the above conditions are met. I know I cannot stop you from reading this book, but if you want to read do it silently. Do not comment "I'm (x age) and I'm gonna read!" or "I swear I'm mature for my age". It makes me uncomfortable to see minors interact in such a way. I'm not saying this to test you, I'm saying this to keep you safe!

Finally, do you have a scenario that you wanted written about? If so, please submit all scenarios to the chapter "Scenario Submission" and pay attention to when it says [SCENARIOS CLOSED].


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