Ten more facts about Your Boyfriend

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[Art from the official Twitter @ Y0ur_B0yfriend]

❤️ His love language is physical touch and acts of service - such as cuddling, hand holding, giving you flowers, or murdering anyone who hurts you

❤️ He had a goth phase in high school he'd prefer you not know about

❤️ He smokes cigarettes

❤️ Likes to watch silver age (1950s) horror films such as "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" "The Blob" "Godzilla" and others

❤️ He ADORES pet names - love, baby, handsome, sweetie, sexy - call him all those and more

❤️ He likes hunting knives and butterfly knives, more so butterflies because of how pretty they look when used

❤️ He likes to watch slasher films like "Halloween" "Scream" and "Black Christmas"

❤️ He was an A- average student in school with some As and Bs, though he could have been better if he applied himself more

❤️ He likes to read Romance and Murder Mystery books

❤️ He has a medium alcohol tolerance. When he gets drunk he becomes very talkative and bluntly honest

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