Dating headcanons for Your Boyfriend

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[Art from the official tumblr y0urb0yfriend]

💕 Do NOT tell this man that you want something - he will buy it for you no matter the cost. Make a comment in passing about a really nice shirt you saw in a store window? It's now in your mailbox. Wish you had a new laptop because your current one is breaking? He's already bought you a device that could send nuclear launch codes and you'll have it in your hands by the weekend. Serial gift giver

💕 Always touching you in some way. Holding hands, linking arms, draped over you or having you sit in his lap. Carding his hands through your hair, face buried in your neck, nuzzling the top of your head. Literally cannot keep his hands off of you

💕 He wants you to wear his clothes and will constantly take the opportunity to offer his hoodie, his shirt - dammit, if you need pants he's already undoing his belt to give them to you. There's nothing that makes him more soft and mushy than seeing you wear something of his

💕 Unfortunately (or fortunately, depends on your view) he's quite a possessive guy and sees literally everyone as a rival. The only exception is like, old people and service workers, but the latter still get heavily scrutinized during any interaction. If you're talking to someone he'll stand behind you and just. Glare. And emit such a heavy "fuck off" aura that no one can stand for long. He can turn it off like the flick of a switch too so when you turn to look at him, confused at how the person suddenly ran off, he's got his hands in his pockets all nonchalant like "idk why they suddenly left here let me comfort you abt it"

💕 Dates are frequent and the two of you do all kinds of things together - stargazing, picnic in the park, visiting the carnival, many, many dinners in fancy restaurants, anything and everything you ask for or enjoy. The one's he enjoys the most, however, are the intimate, stay at home dates where you two cook a nice dinner together and watch a movie

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