Five headcannons about Your Boyfriend's goth phase

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[Amazing art done by @butteredfish here on Wattpad! It's so cute <3]

🖤 Dylan was a little bit into the punk subculture but mainly goth in highschool - lots of black with occasional gold or red accents. He had quite a few piercings (but has let most of them heal over now)

🖤 He dressed the way he did because he liked the control it gave him, how people visibly cowered and avoided him. He also liked the culture surrounding it, as he has always felt like a misfit. This was when he embraced that idea the most in his life

🖤 He wore tons of spike bracelets (real metal and plastic) but kept poking himself all the time with them

🖤 The bands he listened to were mainly older bands like Type O Negative, Dead Can Dance, The Cure, Nirvana - but also some more recent and active bands like My Chemical Romance and Black Veil Brides, including Evanescence

🖤 He's scrubbed his Facebook presence off the internet but he was totally the kind of goth to make super edgy posts with him flipping off the camera or with like, a hand over his face talking about 'suffering' - it was hilarious

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