Five more headcanons about Your Boyfriend

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[Art from the official Tumblr y0urb0yfriend]

💕 He used to play the guitar and got pretty good at it, but he's since abandoned the hobby

💕 His safe food is pretzels and he eats bags of them at a time

💕 One hobby he has is woodcarving - he's made a few animals to varying success. He's best at carving sheep

💕 He's one of those super wiry people that look like they're as thin as a toothpick and a stiff breeze will carry them away, but can bench press like a hundred pounds easily

💕 He's so touch starved to the point that he's actually repulsed, meaning that a persons touch makes him feel uncomfortable and angry. He tries his best to be close to you, but it actually makes him more unstable

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