Scenario: Awash with Pleasure

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In which you tell Dylan about a certain scene you've thought up, and he is more than happy to participate

Content warning: bdsm scene, bondage, AFAB reader, slight blood, cunnilingus, overstimulation

This is a scenario I thought up and just couldn't leave alone until it was written down. I need to go to horny jail. You need to go to horny jail. We both need to be imprisoned for horny crimes.

Also, feel free to thirst comment to high heaven on this chapter. It's my first full smut and I crave validation!!

(If you want to skip the set up and get to The Goods scroll until you see another page break)


A loud rainstorm outside creating a cozy atmosphere.
A movie playing on the TV.
Cuddling on the couch with your boyfriend.

This was basically paradise.

You were feeling content and sleepy, struggling to keep your eyes open. It had been a long day and cuddling in Dylan's arms made you feel comfy and safe. You were totally relaxed and sleep was slowly creeping up on you.

Well, okay, not totally relaxed. A thought wormed its way from the back of your mind where it had been brewing for a while, breaking the peaceful air around you and causing your cheeks to warm. It was a desperate, sinful idea that you had indulged in while, ahem, masturbating, but never genuinely entertained. Too embarrassed to verbalize it.

Trying to push the thought down and focus on the movie, you adjusted your position in Dylan's arms.

He took a deep breath and squeezed you, only exacerbating the feeling in your stomach. Grimacing, you shifted again.

"Hm?" Dylan hummed, noticing the sudden movements.
"What's wrong love? Are you uncomfortable?"

"No," yes, your mind whispered, "It's just- I had a thought. Don't mind me. Man, what does this guy think he's doing?" you said, trying to move the conversation away from the topic and focus back on the movie. But he was interested now like a bloodhound on the hunt, and not willing to give up so easily.

"Penny for your thoughts?" he asked, lifting his head to look you in the eyes. Glancing at him, you didn't move as you replied,

"Nah, it's no biggie."

"No?" Dylan moved, shifting the two of you to an upright position. You gritted your teeth as he stretched for a moment, then wrapped both arms around your torso.

"It's not!" You defended yourself hotly, and man, his eyes glinted dangerously now that you revealed how much of a biggie it actually was. He pressed his fingers to your hips.

"Why so defensive? I just asked a question." A slick smile stretched across his face. You gulped, then sighed, placing your hands on his arms.

"It's embarrassing." You replied, despondent, looking down at the floor.

"Well, I'm the last person who'd judge you for anything you think. You can trust me."
Dylan moved a hand to your hair and pressed a kiss to your scalp.

You sighed again, then gathered your courage.

"I've just- I've been thinking about a scene lately. Of you- of us, um, and my arms are tied to the headboard and you, uh, you," losing steam, you grit your teeth and blurted,
"You eat me out until you're satisfied and I can't do anything about it."

With a swift move you buried your face in your hands and let out an embarrassed groan. You were free of the ideas persistence, but now it was out in the open and you didn't know how your boyfriend would react.

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