Scenario: An Alternate Meeting

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In which you're working a long shift at the greasy spoon diner, and a certain stranger finally finds the courage to step inside.

Content warning: implications of stalking


Fuck, you hated your job.

The diner was currently packed with the lunch rush, every seat taken by the butt of some messy, irate customer. Orders wouldn't stop flooding in, people wouldn't stop complaining, and you were beginning to fray at the edges from all the back and forth. To a table, take an order, shove it out back, greet those who come in, seat a table, grab a plated order, bring it over, repeat ad infinitum.

You grit your teeth as you downed a glass of water in the back, trying to make every second of this two minute escape count before you were forced to go back out and wait on more customers. Your feet were already complaining, and you felt hot and sweaty in your uniform.

Oh, how you hated your uniform. What a rank colour scheme. What a rank place.

Dad's Damn Diner wasn't even close to your house, why in Gods name did you decide to try your luck with a resume here?

I was a fool. A buffoon, you thought, reaching into your bag to swipe on some lip balm. Then, taking a big breath, you plastered a smile on your face and tried your best to not look like you were five seconds from collapsing as you went back out into the frenzy.

Because really, you were basically about to collapse. Your boss, upon hearing that you wanted more hours, decided to punish you for it by scheduling you for 7-5 today. A horrible, ten hour, morning to evening shift that left you dead on your feet and craving the sweet embrace of death.

This should be illegal.

You ran around like a chicken with its head cut off for what felt like forever before finally, finally, the lunch special had expired and people began trickling out until only three tables remained. The afternoon to evening shift had also arrived at this point, bringing with them some much needed reprieve.

TK and you all but dashed to the back of house, sweating and spent from the horrors of serving lunch.

"Fuuuck, that was awful." You groaned, wiping at your forehead with a napkin.

"Tell me about it." TK replied. Then, they bumped your elbow and offered a high five.

"Nice work though."

You slapped their hand and then leaned against the wall, sliding down to the floor. Hanging your head, you were interrupted in your silent plea for death as TK removed their apron, hanging it on the hook.

"Wait, your shift is over already?" you complained, peering at the clock for answers. It read 2:06.

"Yep. I'm 6-2." they said, dumping their tips in their backpack and reaching in to grab their regular clothes.

"Awwww." you whined, pouting up at them. They gave you a sympathetic grin.

"Hey, you only have three more hours, and you still have a break to look forward to. You're strong, you'll make it."

You ran a hand through your hair, sighing.

"But it sucks when you aren't here."

TK laughed, a blush warming their cheeks.

"Wow, didn't know I was that popular. I'd love to stay and keep you company, but I have errands to run." they paused, then, rubbing the back of their neck, "maybe when our shifts line up we can go somewhere after? And complain about the day there?"

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