#13 Stark's Ex

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This girl is a gun,
Before you know it, it's done.


   "So what's the plan?" Bucky asks me.

   "I don't have one," I say confidently.

   Harley looks at me and sighs. "I'm so going to die."

   "But no worries, improvisation is my specialty. I just have to do some digging." I sit in front of my screens. Bucky, Sam, and Captain stand behind me sitting on my chair. They all watch me intensely.

   "Digging... like dig the dirt?" Bucky asks.

   "Don't know if you're being sarcastic or old." I chuckle, but I love him anyway.

   I try searching for Justine Hammer, her information is protected by stupid ass codes, even Nord VPN can hack her. I shake my head.

   "Like father like daughter." I sigh and hack through the program. Dad mentioned Justin Hammer the dad was horrible, so it makes sense his daughter is too, so I get access to all her information. "Ha, she tried to hide her identity but she doesn't try to hide her face at all."

   We watch footage of her going to the mall, burning stuff up in her lab, and... footage from my potato gala, with her injecting some kind of metallic fluid into Harley's body.

   "Boom. There you go." I say.

   "We give that footage to your father and everything will be good right?" Sam asks.

   "No, the blood test I took still says whatever the fluid is, Harley can still try to kill me out of nowhere. Peter and dad are not going to deal with him gently. Especially Peter..."

   "But that kid doesn't kill," Bucky says.

   "Jealously is something else, Buck." I sigh. "I say, we go to Justine. Force the antidote out of her, then we return."

   "How? We tried the airport last time and it was quite a mess." Steve says.

   "You guys tried to fly last time. So... (N/n) I need to get to Thailand where Justine is right now, through Elon's underground hyper-speed train that has access across the world, get us organized."

    [ I'm Thai so please don't roast my horrible traffic and unbreathable air country even if I just did. We have Lalisa so please be kind lol. ]

   "Elon musk? Thought that guy was building speed jet, he dug tunnels underground now?" Sam asks.

   "Yeah, he's also building colonization on mars too. I've been there too, it was a nice place." I say, (N/n) successfully create a perfect route.

   I clap my hand. "Here we go, now we just need to head to... the church 3 blocks from here. Apparently, the secret entrance Elon built is in there." Why are all geniuses so weird? Me included? Yeah.

  "How did you even know where this Justine girl is in the first place?" Cap asks.

   "My satellites spot her on an island there." I smile. "She dummy dumb dumb."

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