#3 Stark's Life

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Whoever said money can't solve your problem
Must not have had enough money to solve them

Peter Parker

   "Guys! She! Is! Toast!"

One of my classmates burst into the room with her phone, I was trying not to be the center of attention by hiding myself inside my hoodie, not sure how long this will work.

Everyone gathered up around her to watch the newest new, it was about (Y/n) Stark. My girlfriend, yeah, that one.

"Wait what happened?" Flash asked.

"They tried to hide it but the footage was released, (Y/n), our friend! My friend! Got mother fucking shot! She fucking dead!" The girl yelled. To be honest I don't even think (Y/n) remember her name.

"What? No way!" Flash bent his face to watch the footage from the phone, so did all of my other classmates. I had to listen to the whole thing happened again.

Then, after they were left speechless by how brutal the bullet went through her and it looked as if there was no way she could've lived, they turned to look at me.

"Peter! Is (Y/n) dead!?" Flash asked, he had a somewhat exciting smile on his face.

"She's fine... She's recovering..." I tried avoiding them all but they crowded over me.

"Are you sure?" Cindy asked.

"What do you mean am I sure? I was there when her heart stopped."

"So she's dead!!" They started crying.

"No! We got her back!" I yelled.

"You have to tell us everything that happened! We're so worried about her!" Flash said. Why the fuck you lying. Why you always lying.

"I'm just her boyfriend and I can't tell this kind of information like a school gossiping. You guys will get to the details when she has an announcement." I said.

"But we're her friends! We're supposed to know before anyone else if she's okay or not. Right guys? We love her!" Flash continued. Oh my god, stop fucking lying.

After all, they still haven't got a clue I was Spider-man too, and not just (Y/n) Stark's sugar baby. Which I'm not by the way.

To be honest, I don't know if that word still applies, boyfriend I mean, ever since she woke up we barely speak. I was around her all the time, giving her potatoes and care, but I was too guilty to look her in the eye to see how disappointed she is with me.

"Dude, you alright?" Ned asked, he's been the only one I told everything with, and how her chest now has to have the arc reactor on to keep her alive because of me.

"No... not really." I made sure no one in the class was listening.

"She really needs to announce she is okay though. I mean, people really do love her, most of them, but the video was just too god damn funny and memeable, they made memes too, look."

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