#15 Stark's Cancelled

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Everybody's waiting for you to break down
Everybody's watching to see the fallout

    "My potatoes are poisonous!"

   You scream loudly, feeling panicked. Then you raise your metal arm at Justine, "How dared you poison my potatoes!"

   Wanda uses her power to hold your hand back.

   "Bestie, what the hell, let go!" You yell, "She needs to get her head blasts off! She toucha ma potatoes!"

   You lost the ability to use words.

   "You deserve it, you crazy homophobe!" Justine yells at you.

   "That's not how it works dipshit!" You scream back.

   "The damage hasn't been done, (Y/n). We can still stop the potato supplies, she needs to be interrogated and shamed. It's not worth it, trust me." Wanda tells you calmly.

   You look at her for a bit... then agree, it's not worth it killing her by your hands. She's way too stupid.

   "Fine! Nat, would you mind capturing her?" You ask and Natasha nods, "I need to hack my own protection code that kept dad away from tracking me. I need him right now."

   "You're gonna let him through right now? What will he do to you as a punishment, or to Harley?" Natasha asks.

   "Harley is no longer a treat. Justine was too stupid that the mind control fluid only worked once. And I would rather get grounded all years than for my fans to die while eating my potatoes."

   You quickly open up the codes and starts rewriting them. Because it is your program, you know how to crack the code. Eventually, you get back in contact with Iron dad.

   "DAD!!" You start crying. Your passion, your memories, your potato factory dream is being taken away from you.

   "Come! Back! Home!"

   "I will, and I'm so sorry!" You cry harder and just now realize how much you messed up.

   Natasha finishes up tying Rose, "Wanda can you get her some tissues?"

   "On it." Wanda runs around looking for tissues.

   "Dad, you need to listen to me. Justine bitch poisoned my potatoes! The second shipment of Stark potatoes will kill anyone who kills them!" You take tissues from Wanda. "And I'm all the way in fucking Thailand."

   Tony's voice is cold and full of frustration. "Young lady, your potatoes didn't kill anyone."

   "What...? Didn't you hear me, you have to help me stop the shipment." You say and Justine laughs in the background so Natasha slaps a duck tape on her mouth.

   "It has already been shipped! Nobody dies from eating it, BUT ALL OF THEM HAVE DIARRHEA." He shouts back.

   "..." You freeze. And because the suit was on speakerphone, Natasha, Wanda, and Justine Bitch turns to look at you confusedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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