#8 Stark's Depressed

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neko : I'm backkk. I was gone for a WHOLE YEAR. TT Read why at the end of this chapter, oh my Thor I missed you guys so much.

Money, money
Ain't it funny, honey
When you get what you need
Baby, life is a breeze



"(Y/n), who's the sushi guy?"

A friend asked you in an intense atmosphere of the classroom, which was built up by Justine's weird smile, Peter's jealous ass, and your typical potato-less Stark vibes.

You would've told her the truth, that Harley is just a friend, but Peter was behind you, and he was definitely overhearing.

"Someone important." You told her. "The guy is a sweetheart, so caring, everyone loves a sushi guy around."

When you turned around to see his reaction, Peter Parker gave you the looks that asked. 'Why is the sushi guy better than Spider-man?.'

You replied with a smirk that said. 'Because I can eat sushi but I can't eat Spider.'

How did you even said all that by just your expression? Must be one of the Stark's powers.

The teacher walked in the lab and paused the tension. You actually enjoyed coming to school (that you don't even need to attend at all), once you realized they were doing a small competition between classmates.

"You guys will get paired up, within limited time, create any kind of devices with given scraps, the best duo will get a reward." The teacher explained.

"Hehe." You laughed out, Ned stared at you confusedly.

"Why hee hee? Like michale jackson?"

"Building things off of scraps...? My father's been a pro at that since 2008. I'm gonna make a web-shooter, that instead of shooting webs, it shoots raw fish. Sushi shooter. You hungry baby? We got you covered. Shoot the sushi right in yo mouth!"

"That's targeting Peter to make him angry (Y/n)." Ned said, lowkey interested.

"That's right Ned." You smiled brightly. Feeling happy. "Oh Ned, here's for you." You gave him Starkpods.

"Wow, holy frick. This is too cool for me."

"You're cool enough Ned." You smiled.

"Thank you so much, and can you really make a sushi shooter out of those scraps?"

"I can of course. And when I win, he's gonna be real mad."

Then you got teamed up with Peter.

"..." Peter stared at you angrily.

"..." You stared at the scraps angrier.

"You cheated on me." He said.

"I what?" You asked back, most of the classmates weren't even paying attention to build their crafts, but were watching you two fights.

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