#1 Stark's Potato

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This is a sequel, go read the first one.


I do what I want when I'm wanting to
My soul so cynical


Most of the people think that whoever is Tony Stark's daughter is the luckiest person in the world.

And you can assure that they're damn right!

   First of all, you're surrounded by awesome people. They're awesome. You're awesome. Everyone is awesome under this roof, also their stomach are always full with your delicious food that even though time passed and things changed, you're still the cook of the house.

   Second of all, you're too smart. That, you got from your father, who's a genius, billionaire, loyal (Not playboy anymore, Pepper doesn't allow that), philanthropist.

   Third of all, your boyfriend also loves potato.

"Dad. I wanna buy a potato factory."

You jumped across the sofa and sat next to Tony Stark, he was focusing on his holographic work in front of him, and you weren't sure he was paying full attention to you.

"Yeah? What kind of a potato?" He asked with his mouth left open, still didn't look at you. Too distracted by what he was doing.

   "All potatoes, I mean, chips, crackers, french fries. I wanna open the potato factory. Make it a hit, turn all people in New York into potatoes."

   "Sounds like the next super villain. Will 10 million dollars be enough?"

   "Jesus dad I know we're rich but I just want a small potato factory not buying every potato in the world-- wait a minute, that'd be nice though..."

   "Keep the change, then." He stood up and dragged his hands along the hologram, adjusting and programming his newest creation. "What do you think?" He showed you.

   "Nanotech? You're really working on that?" You stood beside him, reviewing his work.

   "Still not complete. There are some errors every time I try to print the model."

   "You're manipulating the matter on an atomic scale, just go for it and aim for supramolecular."

   "Shit's gonna explode."

   "You never know. You might as well try anyway dad. Trust me." You gave him a quick cheek kiss and walked out.

"Hold on, where you goin?"

"On a date!" You yelled back.

"With Peter?"

"With Happy I guess. Yes, with Peter, we never really had a proper date so why not?"

"Don't lose your virginity!"

You laughed, then whispered. "Are you sure I didn't already lose it..."

You smiled all the way to your room, putting on something nice and putting your super watch on your wrist. It's also adapted by the first model of his nanotech and can change its form, today, you turned it into a bracelet.

   On your way out, someone stopped you. It was Thor.

He smiled.

You signed.

"Thor I'm in a rush."

"I'm really hungry..." He sounded really hungry.

   "What about cheesecake in the fridge that I made for you yesterday?"

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