Chapter Forty Seven

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"I hereby call this meeting of the younger siblings and assorted friends crew to order!" CJ said, banging a gavel down on the desk in front of her.

"Who gave CJ a gavel? Also I think we need to change the name, it's getting too long," Hadie asked, shaking his head in amusement as he sat down next to Alexandria.

"I think it was Celia who gave CJ that gavel," Alexandria told him.

"Nah, it was Ryan," Celia said with a small smirk. "Remember that date CJ was on that Diz and I crashed? The one that made it so that I missed Freddie coming to Auradon? Ryan and CJ were going shopping."

"Ooh!" Dizzy said, squealing slightly in delight.

"For a new sword, that's what we were shopping for," CJ said, shaking her head at the smirk that'd appeared on Hadie's face as he heard that. "Ryan busted his when we were sparring and Harriet said that sometimes people go shopping on dates."

"The fact that she's comfortable talking about your dating life is amazing. I thought Harriet would insist you were too young to be dating," Melody said as she slipped into the room. "Elle just pesters me about when I'm going to wind up with Phil....he's not here yet is he?"

"Nope, he's with Claudine watching Ari and Paige, he called me to let me know," Neal said as he walked in, glancing down at his phone as it buzzed. "And Evan's going to miss the meeting of the younger siblings yet again as well. He just texted me, guess who he's with?"

"His mysterious new VK friend?" Ashaki asked, lounging in one of the chairs. "Didn't he say that Ruby's been hanging around with a VK too?"

"Yeah Caspian, he's good," Celia said. "He's a member of Mal and Uma's crew, and the Fitzherberts have been a good ally for Mal from what Uma told me. Caspian would be a fool to ruin that for the Rats who are in Auradon."

"Well we figured he was good, there's no way Mal would invite someone like Freddy over to Auradon," Melody said with a shrug.

"Anyway back on topic which oddly enough Neal was the one to bring up," CJ said.

"We're talking about Evan?" Ryan asked from his spot next to CJ.

"I just want to know how you became the Captain? When I thought this up, I thought Alex was going to be our Captain, she's got the most experience ruling after all," Hadie said as he shook his head.

"Uh huh," was all CJ said as she gave the Godling a look."Anyway, it's as clear as the sails on a ship that Evan's got something going on with his mysterious new VK friend. And I think he at least likes her though jury's out if those feelings are returned."

"How do you know that Evan's new VK friend's a girl?" Grace asked.

CJ shook her head. "Well I know it's not Virgil, he's so jumpy that it would be hard not to note that. Besides, the age difference is such that there's no way Virg would go for that."

"Fair enough," Paige Hatter nodded from her spot next to her sister Grace. It'd been weird at first, sharing a name with Aurora and Phillip's granddaughter. But she figured that if Princess Arabella of Atlantica could do it, so could she.

"Caspian as we all stated has been ensnared by a different Fitzherbert, Jay is obviously Lonnie's and again, the age difference. Uma would kill Harry if he cheated on her and Harriet would kill him for, as already stated, the age difference. Gil's not going to risk getting smote and there's —."

"The age difference," the rest of the group said in unison.

"Exactly," CJ nodded.

"What about Sura?" Hadie asked. "Strombolli's daughter? The one Quinn asked to bring over?"

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