Chapter Fourteen

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bittersweet ——— "CAN YOU EVEN PLAY?" asked Draco later that evening when Nephthys walked out into the field for another Quidditch practice, Blaise at her side. Nephthys stared at him blankly. He rolled his eyes, "Don't be sensitive. I meant with your injury and all."

"I didn't say anything," said Nephthys, "And I'm sure I can. I'm wearing gloves and it doesn't hurt to move my arms around — where's your sling?"

"My arm's better now," said Draco.

"Is it? Does that mean we'll play Gryffindor afterall?"

"Not that better."

". . .Is it really not about the supposed weather that day?" said Nephthys skeptically as she glanced at Blaise.

He looked back at her, "What injury?"

"Don't worry about it," said Nephthys.

"Blaise, will you be going to Hogsmeade this weekend?" said Draco as he changed the subject,

"That's a given," said Blaise as if it was the most obvious answer in the world, "What third year isn't?"

"The ones who didn't get their slip signed," said Nephthys. "Also I didn't."

"That's because you were stuck in the Hospital Wing. Not everyone is as unfortunate as you," said Draco. Nephthys made a face just as Flint called her over.

"See you later, Blaise, Draco," she said before she jogged over to the circle of her fellow players.

It wasn't any different than the first. Flint still singled her out and yelled at her, Montague still tried to push her off the broom, Derrick and Bole still aimed the bludgers only at her, and Bletchley still let the others' Quaffle through and only tried to block hers. It didn't help that her movements were slower this time since her hand actually wasn't all that good.

It was sore and ached by the time practice was over. She had pushed through it but after the match was over, she removed her gloves and saw the blood had stained her bandage. She sighed as she decided she'd re-bandage it after she changed. She approached Blaise and Draco. Draco was speaking while Blaise looked awfully bored. They both looked over at her.

"Why is it just you two? Where's Nott?" asked Draco.

"Blaise is escorting me because he doesn't trust that I'll make it to clean Snape's cauldrons in time," said Nephthys with a roll of her eyes, "Theodore was busy batting his eyelashes and acting shy with a girl that looked too old for him."

Draco furrowed his eyebrows, "Why are you cleaning Snape's cauldrons? What'd you do?"

She paused, "I said too much." Nephthys turned around and ran into the castle.

She barely made it inside when she came to a srop and bent over to catch her breath, she should take running as a hobby except she hated running. Some sacrifices must be made, she supposed.

"Bloody hell," she muttered as she looked down at her hand. The bandages were clearly stained with blood and it began to sting. She shook her hand as she thought about what to do. She began to walk as she had an extra bandage in her dorm room.

"Nephthys," said Blaise as he caught up with her, "— What are you doing with your hand?"

"Waving," said Nephthys, "Bye!" She took off running again. Blaise didn't chase after her, she knew he wouldn't. He'd continue his normal pace. They'd end up in the same place anyway.

"Hey Nephthys," said Chelsea from the couch when Nephthys entered the common room, out of breath. She took another bite from what looked like chocolate ice cream, "Running from Rowle?"

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