Chapter Eighteen

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Still, she forced herself out of bed at five in the morning. Her eyes were heavy and she could barely maintain her balance as she stumbled out of bed. She carried herself to the bathroom at five ten and washed her face under the cold water for a minute straight to wake herself up. She dressed herself in her quidditch robes at five twenty and left her common room at five twenty five. She was out in the freezing cold by five thirty. Emery arrived five minutes later with too much energy for the time.

"Don't look so miserable. It's an hour of your day that will pay off," said Emery, which didn't make her feel any better. "Anyway, I'll go easy on you today since it's your first time. You're running five miles, starting now! Go!"

"Wait — wait," said Nephthys, "I'm running?"

"That's what I said," said Emery cheerfully, "If it helps, I'll run alongside you."

"Well, yes, that'd help but why do I need to run? Five miles as well, that doesn't make any sense."

"I'm sorry — did you ask for my help or are you critiquing me, Black?" said Emery as he crossed his arms. And Nephthys groaned, but she ran.

She didn't make it to five miles, she made it to two and a half before she collapsed. She couldn't even feel the cold by the time the hour was up. She really thought she'd die of exhaustion, but she didn't.

Emery tutted and said they'd have to work on that.

She could hardly feel her legs for the rest of the day, but she found solace in the quiet of the library. Parchment was laid out in front of her and she listed the symbols she knew were in the book and, if George was dreaming the events of the book, would've made appearances in his dream. She knew there were flaws in her plan but that was hardly her problem. George would have to figure it out, which meant with enough convincing, Nephthys would most likely give in and finish off the story.

First of all, there was the book. They wrote about their book in the book. Of course, she didn't have the actual book, but she would. With Christmas approaching, it'd be the perfect opportunity to grab the book from the depths of her closet. That'd mean it'd have to be the last on the list and the hardest object to find. Of course, she had to figure what that meant for the Weasley Twins.

The next item was tricky, it wasn't in the book, but she decided to include it. It was the necklace that stopped the dreams. She'd just have to give a hint or two with that one. That one would also have to be one of the last objects to be found in order to give George time to dream of the others.

There was a cave in the book. A cave connected to an ocean, the moonlight was able to peak over the cave and reflect off the water. Nephthys figured a vial with water from the Black lake and a pearl to represent the moon was good enough. She made a note to put that together later.

There was also a field of flowers, which was easy. She'd just preserve a flower. Then, there was a throne, which she'd figure out what to do for that one later.

That was a total of five items, from most difficult to the easiest to find, at least in her head.

Nephthys put her items away and carried on for the rest of the day. Nothing special: A lot of reading (and she hated reading) and putting up with Ruby (which went something along like this:

"What the hell was that?!" shouted Ruby as she stormed into the dorm room. Ruth trailed behind her.

Nephthys didn't look up from her book as she asked, "What was what?"

"Oh, don't play dumb with me, Black," laughed Ruby, "We all saw you! You and Chelsea fraternizing with those blood traitors. They're the worst of the worst, you know that!"

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