Chapter Seventeen

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cloudy ——— THE THREE BROOMSTICKS had some sort of aura in it that made Nephthys instantly feel at home whenever she stepped inside. Chelsea let go of her arm once they were inside and they all looked around.

Nephthys noticed a familiar group of Slytherins at the end of the shop, their faces were glued on the quartet that just entered.

"Since the invitation was on our behalf, why don't we make it our treat? How about it?" said Fred, more to Chelsea than Nephthys.

Chelsea turned around and shook her head, "No, we don't have to do that! We could just all pay for our own —" Chelsea shuffled through her pocket before her face fell. She stopped talking and looked down as she shuffled through her pocket more desperately, "Nephthys!" she cried out, "I forgot my money, I can't believe this! I put it on my nightstand so I wouldn't forget — Bloody Wilkes! I bet she stole it!"

"It's fine," said Nephthys as she turned her head to look at Fred and George, "I'll pay for her."

"No, no, we insist," said George.

"I'll feel guilty," said Nephthys.

"Why would you feel guilty? We're offering," said Fred, almost defensively.

"Guilty might not be the right word. Indebted! I'd feel indebted and I'd rather just pay — my part at least," said Nephthys.

"Don't worry about it," said George, "We won't hold it against you. It's just a nice act of kindness, really."

"Okay. . ." said Nephthys as she shuffled through her pocket, she felt for her coins and counted the right amount. She scooped them into her hand, "I guess I'll —"

She didn't finish her sentence because she turned around and ran up to the counter, slammed down her coins and asked for four butterbeer. Madam Rosmerta shook her head, "Hello to you too, Miss Black."

Nephthys smiled sheepishly before she glanced back at the twins and Chelsea. Chelsea appeared amused, unsurprised, but the twins looked as if she had robbed them. They exchanged looks before George left Fred and Chelsea's side to approach her. Madam Rosmerta set the four butterbeer in front of her simultaneously.

"Impressive," said Nephthys.

Madam Rosmerta nodded proudly, "Thank you, thank you."

Nephthys giggled before she looked over at George, "Are you going to help me carry them or are you just going to stare at me?"

"I can't believe you," said George, dumbfounded, "That was not fair!"

"Life isn't fair, love, I thought the quidditch match taught you that," said Nephthys. She picked up two bottles of butterbeer, but looked at him quizzically when he continued to stare at her. It wasn't until a minute passed that she realized why he was staring at her in that way.

"Love?" He repeated, one side of his lips began to turn upward. Nephthys felt her face heat up and she was certain it was more than just her ears.

"I — I call everyone that," she stuttered, an absolute lie. She had never, ever called anyone that before in her life. She wasn't sure where it even came from.

"Oh, really?" stressed George, an eyebrow raised slightly.

"Yes!" said Nephthys as she hurried away from him and to the booth where Chelsea and Fred sat down.

"— You should definitely come," said Chelsea as Nephthys placed down a drink in front of her. "Oh! Thank you, Neph."

"You'd have to win a game first," said Fred as George placed a drink in front of him.

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