Lunch Time

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Bucky's POV
I couldn't help myself but aww at him as he put his fingers in his mouth and began to suck on them. I reached down to grab Loki's diaper bag that was sitting next to the couch. I pulled out a dark green pacifier and Loki immediately began to make grabby-hands for it. I put the paci near his mouth and he latched onto it quickly, humming as the paci began to quickly bob in and out.
I looked to the clock on the wall and saw that it was 11 am. "Oh, it's lunch time!" I said as I pulled myself off the couch and made my way to the kitchen. Steve followed me to the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen table.
"What'cha makin', Papa?" Steve asked from the table. "Lunch." I retorted, one of the most classic dad jokes. "Papaaa!" He whined and giggled. I chuckled and began to make a bottle for Loki since it would be the easiest and fastest. While I made lunch, I listened to Loki's happy hums and Steve playing by himself.
After I had finished making Loki a bottle, I removed his paci and replaced it with the bottle. He didn't seem to mind the loss of his paci and began to suckle fervently. I then set Loki down on the couch at an angle so he could drink with no problem.
I moved back to the kitchen to see Steve playing with his Buckybear on the table. I smiled to myself and went to make our lunch. I decided to make ham and cheese sandwiches for the both of us and a fruit side. I cut up Steve's sandwich into pieces and did the same with a banana. I set it down for him and he began to eat.
I went back over to where Loki was laying and pulled him over to me so he could sit on my lap. He happily hummed to himself as we both ate. Not too long after I moved Loki over, I heard a plate and silverware clanging in the sink and heard Steve yell " I'm done!" and run into the living room. Loki jumped a little but other than that, seemed unbothered. Loki eventually finished his bottle and began to look drowsy. I took that as a sign that he needed a nap and brought him to Steve's nursery. Thor had brought over some of Loki's things like his highchair and his crib. I remembered that earlier we had both put the crib back together while Steve was playing and Loki was napping.
I pulled the empty bottle out of his mouth and replaced it with his paci, which he immediately began to suck on. Loki began to whine a bit and squirm as he clung to my side. Thor had told me earlier that when Loki has a wet diaper, he usually squirms. I decided this was my time to check and he was wet so I began to change him.
I laid Loki on his back on the changing table and began to remove his sweatpants. He was opposed to this and began to whine and squirm. Thor had also told me earlier that Loki wasn't a fan of diaper changes, especially with strangers or new people. I decided that I'm going to have to distract him so that he would be more compliant as I changed him.

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