A Brawl for the Ages

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Steve's POV
I was so excited to finally play with Loki. I usually only played with Papa or Tony or Sam but today was different.
I ran to Loki and sat down in front of him. He looked at me and I saw his paci bobbing even quicker.
"Good mowning, Loki. Wouwd you wanna pway wif me?" I asked in my nicest voice and used my most bestest words. He looked at me and started to jingle the keys in his hand. He didn't even say anything back!
I looked at him confused ,"Was dat a yes or no?"
He began to babble at me. I couldn't understand him. He then started crawling to the blocks and sat down there. I looked up at Papa for help and he just chuckled a bit. It wasn't very funny to me. I walked over to the blocks and began to build some towers with them. Loki just took the blocks and hit them together. I felt a little mad but instead of being mean I tried to show him how to play.
"Alright you guys, play nice while I cook dinner, alright?" Papa then left to cook dinner while we played.
"Hey, Loki! Wawch this! 'm gonna make the most tawwest buiwding evaw!" I began to stack blocks on top of eachother as he watched. When I finished making my tall building, he looked at it in wonder and amazement. Then he threw a block at it! The blocks fell down onto the floor as he laughed and babbled nonsense.
"NO!" I yelled and tried to put the building back together. Loki then tried to make it fall again but I shielded it with my body. Loki kept trying to make it fall with blocks but kept hitting me. He eventually got bored of that and began to jingle the keys again while squealing in delight.
He crawled over to my animals and cars. He seemed to like the horse toy I had and began to play with it. I went over there and began to play with my favorite toy, the dog. We both played silently for a moment before Loki started squealing and throwing more toys.
I ducked down, trying not to get hit with a car or animal. He began to babble to himself again and jingling the keys.
I sighed and went over to the couch to grab my Buckybear. Loki looked at it with wonder and started doing the grabby-hands at me. I looked at him weird and turned away while hugging my Buckybear. He whined and threw a chicken toy at me.
"OWW, LOKI!" I yelled and turned around. He made more angry grabby-hands at me. "'m nowt givin' you Buckybear, you gonna huwt him!" Loki looked furious. He crawled over to me at lightning speed and pushed me over. I yelled and pushed him back. He screamed and grabbed Buckybear's head. I yelled and tried to pull Buckybear away from him. "GET OFF OF BUCKYBEAR!" I yelled and he squealed angrily. We played a bad game of tug-of-war and tried to keep Buckybear away from the other. Soon we both heard a loud rip. I looked to see my Buckybear, decapitated. His head was in Loki's hands and his body was in my hands.
"Is everything alright in there?" I heard Papa yell from the kitchen.

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