Feign Innocence

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Loki's POV 

   I felt anxious as I saw Bucky and Steve go into the bathroom. I had placed Buckybear's head to dispose of the evidence. But I had flushed it. How did it not flush down? I sat, thinking while getting most of the baby food in my mouth. 

    Soon, Bucky and Steve came back with the soaked head of Buckybear. I tried to look as innocent as possible by squealing and getting the food everywhere. Bucky didn't seem too amused and placed the head in a plastic ziploc bag and went to wash his hands. I babbled to myself while Steve glared at me. 

   I wanted to act as innocent as possible, Bucky would never punish an innocent baby such as myself. Bucky made his way back to the table and sat down.

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