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Loki's POV
   After I had finished eating, I sat there in the highchair waiting for Bucky to take me out. After he put Steve's and his plates in the sink, he came over to me with a wet washcloth and went over my face, hands, and tray. Soon after that he went to one of the top cabinets and grabbed 3 cookies. He gave one to me, Steve and himself. Steve essentially inhaled his while Bucky ate it slower. I took my time as well, I savored it because I didn't think I would get dessert after pulling a stunt like that.
     After we had all finished, Bucky took me out of the highchair and checked me. I was still dry and he set me down on the floor with my paci. I saw my keys on the floor and booked it for them. I barely made it to the keys before Bucky picked them off the ground. I sat down and looked at him. I made grabby-hands for the keys but he just shook his head. I pouted and tried standing up to grab them, but fell down since I was in such a young headspace.
    "You can have the keys back when you learn to play nice with Steve." I pouted and looked back at Steve who was playing with a firetruck. I angrily sucked on my paci as I looked back at Bucky who still held my keys. I wanted those keys back so I had no choice but to be nice to Steve.
    I crawled over to Steve and sat down in front of him. He looked at me weird and turned around, back facing me. I sighed and began to play with one of the cars on the floor next to me. I tried to make car noises like Steve was making but I couldn't so I just made squeals. He turned around and began playing with me.
After a while, I became so invested in the game Steve and I were playing, I didn't even realize when Bucky left my keys next to me.
   I only realized they were there when Bucky began to speak,"Alright, kiddos. Time for bed." Steve groaned and I began to pout. I whined when Bucky picked me up off the floor and placed me on the couch. I began to squirm around when I realized I was wet.
    When they had both finished cleaning up, Bucky picked me up and brought me to the bedroom where we would be sleeping. Steve's bed and my crib were on opposite walls. In the middle was a bedside table with ½ of a baby monitor on it.

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