After Naptime

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Bucky's POV
After I put Loki to bed, I sat down on the couch exhausted. Steve came over to me and asked me what was wrong.
"Nothing, buddy, it's just Loki is quite the handful. I don't know how Thor does it."
Steve nodded and asked me another question," Papa, is Loki stiww mad at me?" I looked at him and ran my hand through his hair. "No, baby, I think he just missed Thor."
Steve nodded and asked me one more question, "When wiww Loki be abwe to pway wif me?" I shrugged,"I don't know, maybe when he wakes up he'll be in a bigger headspace and you could play with him then."
Steve nodded and began to play with his cars and animals. I soon found myself reading a book while I watched Steve play.
Two Hours Pass
I looked at the clock on the while and realized that it was time for Loki to wake up from his nap. I went into the bedroom and looked at Loki's sleeping form in the bed. He really was adorable. If I didn't have another little I would've adopted him.
I moved over to the side of his crib and began to nudge him awake. He whined a bit and covered his face. I picked him up and he curled up into my side, wanting to go back to sleep. I saw the paci he had in his mouth bobbing hastily as he tried to go back to sleep. I chuckled and moved out to the living room where I put Loki down to play. He still had those keys I gave him in his hand.
Steve looked ecstatic. He ran over to Loki and sat down in front of him. Loki seemed less than excited to see Steve but still didn't say anything.
"Good mowning, Loki. Wouwd you wanna pway wif me?" Steve asked politely.
Loki just began to jingle the keys. Steve looked at him confused. "Was dat a yes or no?"

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