22 - Unyielding Passion

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(y/n) POV:

I sat with my legs stretched out, my back against the craggy walls, which always seemed to be dotted with mist. Over the last day—or however long I've been stuck here—I've grown quite used to the scratchy feeling of the cave surfaces that surround me.

But I also became bored within my first hour of being confined in this cell. I tried sleeping for as long as I could to pass the time, but I overestimated my ability to easily sleep on the floor of a cave. So instead, I've been doing the one other thing possible to keep myself entertained; annoying Luca.

"Let's play I Spy." I suggested, purposely making my voice sound cheerful to irritate him.

He scoffed from where his back was turned to me, casually standing at the far end of the cave and staring out into the night.

"Don't talk to me." He retorted in lackluster.

Ignoring him, I hummed to myself as if I was in deep thought, while scanning the cave and making a mental note of the finite color choices. "I spy....something dark." I bit back a mischievous grin.

As I hoped, he broke his concentration and looked around the cave confusedly, "Everything in here is dark."

I nodded, "Exactly. That way it's more of a challenge." This time I grinned smugly.

He rolled his eyes and went back to his brooding posture, turning his back to me once more. "Just stop talking."

An idea suddenly popped in my head. It would be a long shot, but it's worth a try. Ignoring him a second time, I stood up and walked over to the bars, "How about hide and seek?" I suggested.

Luca let out an annoyed sigh and faced my direction again, "What part of 'don't talk to me' do you not understand?" He snapped.

I chuckled and gently gripped the rusty bars, "I think you're just too scared to play since you know you'll lose." I smirked.

A look of confusion etched onto his features as I got his attention again—which was my hope—adding to the annoyed scowl, "And just how would you win from in there?"

I shrugged, "Us Jedi have ways of shimmying into all sorts of nooks and crannies. And since I've been here literally all day, I had time to scope out the best hiding spots in the cave." A playful grin reappeared on my face, "Unless you think you can prove me wrong with better hiding spots, mister tosspot."

Two palpable emotions remained upon his features; confusion and annoyance. But this time, as I expected, he was actually considering my words. And I knew he would, since I learned yesterday just how fragile his ego is. Seriously, he really believes his crazy little plan to get Avery on his side—that he threw together within ten minutes—will work.

"But if not," I clicked my tongue, "I'll just have to deem you the ultimate loser, and assume that you know nothing about this cave."

He groaned and walked over to where I stood behind the bars, "If I indulge in this stupidity, will you shut up?"

"Maybe." I smiled sweetly, feeling my heart thudding harder against my chest. I might be pushing my luck, but if there's any way to get him to subconsciously reveal where the key is, then this is my chance. The only trouble is that hide and seek isn't the same as hiding a small object—and the key may not even be in this cave—but then again, this is the closest shot I have.

He huffed and slowly turned around, eyeing the large cave. "I know this cave a hundred times better than you. And I highly doubt you found any hiding spots. You see those spaces where the walls dissect?" He pointed to the side of the dark cavern where many stalactites hung.

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