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Summary: Plagg is actually very poetic when it comes to cheese. 

"What about just a Swiss?"

"Nah, not strong enough."

"Okay..." Adrien scrolls through his phone, looking for the strongest cheeses for his kwami, Plagg. He's decided to treat him, since he barely does. He thinks Plagg deserves something nice, even if he complains half the time and is spoiled with Camembert, his favourite cheese.

"Beaufort D'Ete is said to be aged for six to twelve months. And it's made in the French Alps!" Adrien says, looking up at Plagg.

"Add to cart." He stuffs a piece of cheese into his mouth.

Adrien and Plagg continue this for another 10 minutes, then Adrien exhales and places his phone in the speaker and presses play to a song he's supposed to be learning for piano lessons.

Sometimes he likes to listen to the song so he can get a better gist of it before going straight to his sheet music, but other times he just puts it on to pretend he's playing.

He flops down onto his bed, face first and muffles, "I'm bored, Plagg."

There hasn't been an akuma attack today, so Chat Noir hasn't been needed to save anyone, rather to shop for cheese with his kwami. But he's done with that, and still nothing. No akuma alert, no call from a friend... His Chinese lesson isn't 'till later, same with his fencing and piano. It's a Saturday, and Adrien is stuck at home as per usual. This, he thinks, is why I should transform into Chat Noir. He doesn't need to stay home. But there is no point in being Chat right now.

"Well that's simple," Plagg says, throwing a piece of Camembert into the air and catching it in his mouth, "just don't be bored. You've got plenty of things to do. Why don't you call one of your friends?"

Adrien sighs. "My father will most likely not allow me to hangout with them anyways." He rolls onto his back, staring up at his ceiling. Maybe he should put a Ladybug poster up there so he can stare at her before he falls asleep.

"Bummer. All I need is Camemberrrrrt!" Plagg says dreamily.

"Thanks," Adrien mumbles, rolling his eyes. "I'm surprised you're even talking to me when all you do is idolize your stinky cheese all the time." Plagg doesn't say anything, just scarfs down more cheese. Adrien sighs again and rolls onto his side. He watches Plagg do tricks, trying to catch a piece in his mouth after he throws it up and spins around. It lands on his face, but goes into his mouth in the end.

"Stop being dramatic, Adrien." He flies over to him and lands on his mattress in front of Adrien. "Go do something. You don't even have to leave your room!"

Adrien narrows his eyes. "Like what?"

"Like anything! Play that music rectangle thing, watch TV, do your homework," Adrien laughs at that, because Plagg is usually the one to tell him not to do his homework. Plagg still drones on, "practice Chinese, write a poem about Ladybug?"

Adrien rolls his eyes but blushes at the last one. "You write a poem, Plagg."

"Fine, since you won't," Plagg clears his throat and holds one hand to his chest, the other in the air like he's that green lady in New York. The.... Statue of Liberty! Adrien smiles at him, feeling a bit better about being stuck at home.

"Cheese, cheese,

Oh you gleam!

Cheese, Cheese,

You are what I dream!

Camembert is yummy,

So I'll put it in my tummy.

And though I have a big stock,

My second favourite is Adrien's sock!"

Adrien grimaces. "Ew."

Plagg continues,

"Stinky is my favourite,

And I love to savour it,

Cheese, cheese,

the only thing I love!

Cheese, Cheese,

Must be sent from above!" He finishes off with a bow then stuffs some Camembert Adrien didn't even know he had, in his mouth.

Adrien laughs. "You're the only cat I know who likes cheese, Plagg. Actually, I think you're the only cat who likes cheese."

Plagg flies up, and with a mouth full, says, "What can I say? One of a kind. When will my cheese you ordered get here? You better have ordered more camembert." Adrien laughs and shakes his head. He's happy that he got stuck with Plagg and no other Kwami, because he can't imagine being with any other one than Plagg, and quite frankly, he doesn't think he would like the others just as much.

Adrien AUGreste (AdrienAugust) - A miraculous ladybug fanficWhere stories live. Discover now