Chapter 31

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Almost two weeks.

Two weeks since Clay and I fought and I haven't heard a single word from him.

It's getting better now though, I stopped thinking about him every single second of every day. At least I like to think I don't

Nick officially moved to Florida and I think he mentioned something about them making plans for George to come as well at some point.

Really I'm not paying much attention to anything these days, I just can't

He took three days off everywhere, no social media no nothing. After just three fucking days, he was back, streaming and uploading videos as if nothing ever happened.

This is the most active he has been on social media since I met him.

It took him just three days to get over me.

I thought that by watching his streams I would get better, get over him quicker... but it didn't help. Hearing him laugh and enjoy life with his friends, specially Nick, hurt me. Did I really mean so little to him?

Speaking of Nick, him and Angel are 'exclusive' now, so I have to see him almost everyday. Angel refuses to go to Clay's, says that if he sees him she will cut his balls off.

Now looking back, I think the worst thing about this all wasn't him leaving me, it was not getting closure.

All I got was a stupid 'I'm doing what's best for you', he wouldn't even bother listening to me, to what I had to say

"Oh my god I can't find my black ripped jeans" I curse "Angel have you seen them?"

"Which ones?"

"I think I got them from shein?" I say trying to recall where those were from

"Ohhh the ones you wore the last time we went to Disney" she says

"Don't tell me-"

"I'll text Nick" Angel huffs

Most of my wardrobe was at Clay's, even though Nick brought almost everything back, there are some things which, for some reason, got mixed up with Clay's

"Hello ladies" Nick says entering my room

The Clay subject was a touchy one and although none of them mentioned him it was the elephant in the room at all times.

A fucking gigantic neon elephant with signs in bold pink writing that said 'HELLO I AM THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM' pointing at it

I know I should try and reach out to him, force him to listen to me. But I made a promise and I'm not giving in. I don't do breaks.

"Hey Sappy" I tease him

"Charlotte-" he warns me and I roll my eyes

"Wait no really, I have something to tell you guys" I say

"Don't say you are pregnant" Angel whispers

"How- How would I be pregnant" I laugh

"By me" Sapnap huffs

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