Chapter 3

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[I am your mom.]

"..." 👀 da faq?

[I'm kidding dumb ass. I am a man.]

'If you're a man why are you with me who has to fuck other men?' Charlie asked.

[You're not the one fucking you're getting fucked but also cause I wanna fuck you and also cause I'm gay as fuck.]

'Why you wanna fuck me?' Charlie had a disgusted look on his face, "I am not having a robot dick up my ass.'

[... I can become a handsome man with a 10 inch dick.. Or bigger if you want.🥴]

'Nah bro. I'm good. Why am I even here? What's happening in my life now.'

Before the perverted system talked again, Charlie felt a burn on his face and moved his head to the side.

"Charlie! You need to stop thinking about crap and look into the present! We are leaving now, I wouldn't want you to come but we need all of us!"

Charlie cupped his cheek and put his head down and followed everyone to wherever.

When they stopped they were in a throne room with people in the audience and a handsome man on the throne with a crown.

'He looks young so is he the prince?' Everyone except Antonio questioned.

[No bitch thats the king. He over 100 years old 🥱]

'I am not even surprised anymore.' Charlie hissed when he touched his cheek. 'Damn I hate that girl.'

[I also like watching gay people so I am not going to leave when someone fucks you.]

Charlie choked, 'bitch why say that so suddenly!?'

[Because it could be the king that fucks your or Antonio first. Or it could be a threesome, only ghosts know. Hmm Antonio already has his eyes set on you pretty boy. He might be first.]

'But.. He is an old man..'

[Technically he isn't since he never ages anymore. His dick might still be small without wrinkles.]

'Ugh stop please.' Charlie covered his ears as if that would get the perverted voice out of his mind.

"Charlie!" Clara whispered to him and pinched his side, making him grab her hand and dig his nails into her skin.

He has seriously had enough of this bitch.

"Bitch touch me again and I'll send you back to the our world with only your fucking hand." He cursed at her in her ear.

She yelped and pulled her arm out, then she hid behind Antonio.

Antonio looked at Charlie in confusion and interest.

"The seven sins are finally here!" The king threw his hands in the air and everyone cheered.

"We're finally saved!!"

"Go go go!!!!!"

As this was happening Charlie got lost in his thoughts again.

He might need a counselor.

[The imposter has many skills including a unique skill {C҉҉o҉҉p҉҉y҉҉} which can copy all someone's skills and stats but by half. So he has half of all the sins skills. Which means he also gets the effect of them. Since he has Lust equipped he will get higher levels If he absorbs lustful emotions.]

'Why do I need to know this?' Charlie rolled his eyes.

[Because if you're ever lusty he'd feel it 
( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)]

'Can I block you out of my head please? Where is the off switch?' Charlie came back to reality and everyone was celebrating.

He rolled his eyes and went into a corner being a total loner, wishing he had his cell phone.

Oh he does.

'How do I get skills?'

[Easy for you, a unique skill you have is {C҉r҉e҉a҉t҉e҉} to which you can create skills.]

'Wow op.'

And then he got his phone out of his bag and it immediately went to 100% and infinite data.

'Cool man. I can be a loner again. And I can listen to music and not hear the outside world anymore. Goodbye reality.'

[Even though it's your first day, you have to have sex in three days since you got your mark. Oh tomorrow is your third day! If you don't get fucked tomorrow then you have one day until you black out and have mwa take control of you to get fucked. Yes, I am a switch. But for you baby I am so top~]

'You are such a bitch cock.' Charlie shook his head.

[Nah, I have such a big cock.]


[I know right?]

'Bitch I'm not even gay! Why am I chosen for this shit?'

[Well now you have to be( ‾ʖ̫‾)]


Someone came up to Charlie and when he looked up he backed up a step.

"Sorry.." Charlie mumbled as he stared at the handsome face of the King.

"What sin are you sir?" The King asked.

"Gluttony." Charlie answered obediently.

"Well. I didn't introduce myself yet. Hello, I am Reya, the king of the Ozaria Kingdom, ruler of many. We have heard of the Evil lords seal getting thin so we knew the heroes will be arriving soon. Welcome heroes! To the world of Eon! To a world of fantasy and magic, to forests and mountains. To rivers and lakes, don't forget the spiritual ponds. Through poison and cures, to monsters and beasts. One more time ШΞŁϾФMΞ ТФ ЏФUЯ ЛΞШ ШФЯŁÐ!"

The King's voice echoed in the silent throne room, his voice carrying a natural accent.

When King Reya was finished he said continue and the celebration went on.

When it was finished, a servant took everyone to their own domains.

"This is a teleportation array. Everyone step on the one that has your sin and you'll be teleported to your new sleeping quarters." The steward said and everyone went to their collective arrays and disappeared one by one.

'If the imposter goes in will he be found out? And will I be found out for having two?' Charlie asked and he looked at the pig design that was on the teleportation array.

[You both won't be found out.]

And at that Charlie stepped into the array and was blinded by light before opening his eyes to a giant house that looks like a castle... It actually might be a castle.. That is on top of a hill.

"Man, I wished it was in the desert." He said and then laughed at himself.

He walked up to the castle and the door has words on it "ⓚⓝⓞⓒⓚ ⓣⓞ ⓖⓔⓣ ⓨⓞⓤⓡ ⓚⓔⓨ" he knocked on the door three times and a red light appeared before disappearing.

A red and brown key was hovering in the air waiting for its new master to use it.

Charlie took a hold of the key and the key vibrated for a second before going back to normal.

He checked and there were now words on it "ⓞⓦⓝⓔⓡ: ⓒⓗⓐⓡⓛⓘⓔ ⓟⓤⓣⓗ" bitch really?

"Change it now. Only Charlie or I'm going to break you or leave you here and I can just go to an inn." He said as he rested the key on his knee ready to break it.

It changed to regular Charlie and he walked into the castle. It was empty of people but it was fully furnished and the cupboards and refrigerators were filled with food.

You know what he did? He made instant noodles because he sucks at cooking, then he laid on the couch to watch television.

Yes there are TVs in this world, for some reason.

When he finished eating he fell asleep.

Seven (six..?) Deadly Sins. (ง'-̀̀'́)งWhere stories live. Discover now