Chapter 9

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It only took a few hours to reach the array to the closest place to the academy.

The first night they just stopped in the woods to rest for the night.

'You will help me when time comes, right? I don't really know how to do these things.'

[Of course. Don't worry.]

It was a rare moment for Noah to be so kind.

[At least I'll be able to teach you and I can watch.]

Well that was broken.


Charlie was chatting with Noah as he dazily looked at the fire.

Dias and Sley looked at him and thought at the same time; 'He seems really gullible, I'm glad I picked this one instead of the others which would go against whatever I said.'

It's as if their minds were just one.

Anyways, they all slept in tents. Trainers slept with their trainees except Odally and Lena who slept in one tent. The night went by peacefully.

When everyone woke up the sun just started to rise and they all packed everything and set out again, falling asleep in the moving carriage even though it was very bumpy.

The day went by smoothly as well as the night, they did the same routine in the morning; getting up and packing everything then falling asleep in the carriage.

The third day everyone sleeping in the carriage woke up with a start.

"Hand over all your valuables, or we will shoot!" Some smelly people holding crossbows yelled.

"Ah man I can smell them from here." Charlie muttered as he covered his nose.

No one seemed to hear him though as they were looking at the smelly bandits with alertness.

"So first lesson. Who wants to go first?" Diji asked.



Clara and Hunter said at the same time and then they looked at each other with complicated gazes.

"Alright you both can go, but first I should teach you how to get your Sin weapons."

The two nodded and the other sins looked at him as well.

"Use your hand to touch your tattoo and say your sin in your heart."

The two did so after some hesitation.

Hunter's weapon turned out to be a stubby green gun with markings on it.

Clara has two silver and green daggers, they seem to be poison daggers.

"There might be two forms of your weapons but if you don't, don't worry about it you must have a powerful weapon. Right now is not the time though. Show us what you got."

There were about ten smelly bandits, five had crossbows while the others had knives and daggers.

Hunter shot at a few with crossbows and was surprised at how powerful the recoil and power of the bullet was. Even when it missed by a margin it still took down the guy he intended to hit.

He took down the five with crossbows in only a few minutes, and was dazed thinking how he thought he was still dreaming.

Clara on the other hand was trying to fight the guys with the knives and was getting hits on their wrists when they went for her making them collapse and hold their bleeding hands which the blood wasn't red but black as the poison sunk in quickly.

Seven (six..?) Deadly Sins. (ง'-̀̀'́)งWhere stories live. Discover now