Chapter 10

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Antonio got a lantern that has a koi fish on it. At around 11:40 everyone in the town met up with each other in an open area so they could release the lanterns.

When it hit 11:59 everyone seemed to know and started counting down as they lit their lanterns.











And then they all let go, making the sky glow in a beautiful red making Charlie gape for a while.

He then watched as everyone bowed their heads to wish..

Well he doesn't really know what to wish for, some people wish for money but he can just make it.

Some wish for power but he doesn't really want it, others wished for love but he could get it any time ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ) ehem.

[( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)]

Until all the lanterns blew out everyone dispersed.

When Charlie and Antonio went back Noah started yapping in his ear.

[I let you have fun for a while and gave you a few hours before your heat. Have fun~]

'Wait.. Aren't you supposed to help me? I don't know what I am supposed to do?' Charlie is in a childish mood after the pretty lights so when sultry ught this he tilted his head.

Noah went quiet for sometime before talking again after a heavy sigh.

[I will help you.]

['You dense and naive little shit if I don't help you, you might be taken advantage of.']

Of course Noah didn't say that out loud.

[Silly go into the bathroom before the heat starts.]

Charlie made an oh face and went into the bathroom, before he locked it Noah said no.

[If you lock it, how is Antonio supposed to come in?]

'Ohh. Ok ok. Now what?'

[Now the heat will start.]

Just as he said that Charlie felt his body heat up at a fast rate, scaring him a little.

[You're ok. Don't be scared I am here. When the magic happens it will feel good.]

Noah is a little helpless, he has never taught anyone much less a total rookie.

But he likes this boy very much so he is very willing to help him step by step patiently.

Charlie felt his body continue to heat up so much he can practically feel it radiating off his skin.

Antonio outside felt something and tried to sense it when he was shocked that it was lust.

The feeling came from the bathroom, where the boy had just gone in.

'What got him so excited? Did he see a pretty lady on the street? Sigh, when I first came to this world that was me until I saw all the ladies in the world and now they are not pretty anymore. I'll just leave him be, but if he makes noise I'll kick the door open and kick his balls till blue.'

Antonio laughed at himself before feeling stunned.

He only has half of lust's powers, but why is he feeling from the bathroom so much lust it feels like it is in full power?

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