Chapter 8

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When everyone woke up they were confused about what happened but didn't get to ask as the king already started talking.

"In about two days, training starts. Training will last a year so train hard as after training you have to go on your journey to defeat the evil lord. Each of you will have different training areas and these guests will help train you. They have already trained one batch of heroes and have a gist on things and after all the past heroes won,the guests had training on how to train new heroes better. Everyone stand in a line, we could do it this way."

The heroes stand in a line, not front to back but side to side.

"Now guests, you pick a hero you want to train. Stand behind your chosen hero. Every hero should have at least one guest to train them. Your servants can pick one as well, they trained along with you, they don't even have to go with you if they don't want to."

The guests stood up and looked at each sin, trying to pick out which one is the most promising.

Odally was the first to move and stood behind Charlie surprisingly.

[Aiyoo~ tell her you only go for men (-᷅_-᷄)]


[Well fine, in a week if you go into heat you have to run away to find an old man on the streets.]

'Gross, wait, look.'

The other guests went and Fala, who was the servant of Slay, went to Xavier. Lena, who is the protector of Odally, went to Clara. Hallo went to Jacob who is pride. Salah, who is the bodyguard for Diji, went to Hunter with a bright smile.

"No more than two can be trained by the same people. So let's say Fala wants to train two people, it's alright. You just have to do two times the work."

Hallo nodded and moved Jacob to where Lucus was and wanted to train both.

Diji stood behind Antonio and the last two, Sley and Dias went behind Charlie.

[*whistles* overpowered who? Is it your charm? Maybe, who would know?]

'Boohoo. I would rather only have one. Look Clara is now glaring at me.' Charlie whined.

[Well now you have two choices in a week. This hot Vampire butler ehem prince or the flamboyant beauty?]

'Isn't my servant going with me again? Why not him?'

[You can only have him a few times unless you wanna kill him or you can't use him anymore since you can't really do the same thing forty times in a row. His energy will wear out and you won't be able to.]

'So confusing but I get it. So you mean not his energy but mine and I'd get too used to it so it won't work anymore to sedate the hunger?'



"Alright you guys have your trainers. You don't have to eat in the dining hall in the next two days if you don't wish to, so all I can say is rest. In two days you and your trainers will tell you the details."

Then everyone went into their arrays and went home.

The trainers were sent to guest rooms.


Two days went by like the wind and when Charlie woke up he saw words on the wall.

"Today is your last day to bw in the dining hall. Get ready, pack and do your morning routine and then come over to eat and say goodbye. Your servants are coming with you to be your bodyguard and a normal servant. I'll explain more when you are down here."

Charlie created himself a space bag and put in a bunch of clothes he made. He also put in a lot of chocolate because he has a huge sweet tooth.

He put in other things like a photo of his mother and a notebook, for no reason at all.

He likes to draw but only when inspiration hits him can he draw like a professional.

He then woke up Ro who doesn't really do anything unless he orders it, he told him that if you want to sleep, sleep so he did.

At first he was a little ashamed but then he slept in.

The servant woke up and packed stuff for himself as well.

Then they set off to the array like usual and went to the dining area where almost everyone was here.

After a few minutes the rest of the trainers and heroes were here so the king started talking like usual.

"The trainers will tell you the specifics of what you will be doing for this year. And if they want to go with you or not on your journey depends on how you treat them. Last time they didn't go since a guide made them upset so they decided to let them go with the guide. From a hero who stayed they said the guide left right when they made it to the place the Evil god is at." King Reya sighed with a shake of his head.

Charlie snickered but coughed to cover it up.

'He just left them? Do you think he'll leave this time too?'

[Not sure, he is technically a sin now in the eyes of everyone so he might stay.]

'Oh, wait but isn't he a robber? Is that why the first day he was late for breakfast?'



"Well now you can eat. I have already ate earlier, so I will take my leave so you guys can chat on how your taining will commence." The king then left.

"We all talked these two days and we decided to take you to the academy for most of the year. The last part of the year can be an assessment of how much your training was put into work." Lena said as she looked at all the heroes.

"That sounds alright. Is the academy far from here?" Lucas asked.

"Far. The teleportation array will only get us half way before we need a carriage for the rest of the way." Sley answered.

"And how long will it take?" Hunter asked.

"About a week."

'OoO, ayio but the time I need is only 1,2,3 five days before the next heat right!? And how much is a week in this world?'

[Aye i wish you good luck young sir.]

"Well about a week if we don't stop but we need to stop at some point so maybe two weeks."


[┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌  ]

[You just have to leave or something? Or maybe if you have a room with a man then go for it dear~]

"We have bought seven carriages so every hero has a different carriage and their trainers ride with them."

"Sounds good."

Seven (six..?) Deadly Sins. (ง'-̀̀'́)งNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ