Chapter 1

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Ruby Madden nearly speeds as she drives back from her last shift of the day.

"Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap!" She yells and jumps out of her car, running into the house. She spots her brother frantically searching under chairs and cushions for any spare quarters.

"Hey kiddo, I'm so sorry I'm a bit late." Ruby says when her brother looks up at her.

"It's fine, can you help me look for quarters?" Kit asks, his voice muffled from being under the couch.

"Actually, look what I got. 'Cause I'm the best sister ever." She sings and holds up a small cloth bag, shaking it so Kit can hear the coins rattling around.

"Woah, how did you get so many quarters?" He asks, opening the bag.

"I asked for all of my tips to be changed into quarters for my last shift." Ruby says, grinning at the look on her brother's face.

"But there's like eight dollars in there so share if the others don't have as much."

"Sorry, I should get a job to help out." Her brother mumbles.

"Nope, not happening. You are focusing on school and having a normal childhood." She says, quickly running into her room to change out of her work attire.

"I think normal went out the window last year." Kit says and Ruby sighs.

Last year, her brother's friend Will Byers went missing. Kit and his friends searched for him and found a girl named Eleven. Ruby, Jonathan Byers, Nancy Wheeler and later Steve Harrington eventually helped to save Will and Hawkins.

Since then, Ruby has been overly protective of her brother and his friends, who she often babysits.

"I know, but try and have a nice time." Ruby says, searching for a hair tie before giving up and twirling her hair in a bun and sticking a pencil through it to keep it up.

She hears her brother on his walkie to his other friends to gloat about how much he has and grins, grabbing her wallet and keys.

"Let's go kiddo." Ruby calls and Kit comes bouncing out of the house and she locks the door behind them.

Kit talks about all of the games he's going to play when he gets to the arcade and Ruby nods as she listens to him.

She knows that her brother's always had a hard time with their parents but the last year has obviously been even tougher. She's just glad that he seems normal enough and enjoying himself.

Ruby pulls up to the arcade and into a parking spot.

"Ok, I need to grab some groceries but then I'll head home. I'll be back at nine to pick you up. If Mike, Dustin or Lucas need a ride, I'm happy to take them."

"Yep, thanks Ruby!" Her brother calls and jumps out of the car, running over to his friends.

Ruby giggles and gets out too.

"Hey boys." She waves and her brother's friends wave back at her excitedly. "Have fun and I've told Kit to share if you need more cash."

"Thanks Ruby!" Dustin yells back and Mike and Lucas look pleased.

Just then Joyce Byers pulls up with Will in the front seat. Ruby waits for Will to get out and then walks over, knocking on the window.

"Hey Mrs. Byers." She says and Joyce rolls the window down.

"Hey sweetie, I've told you to call me Joyce."

"Ok Joyce." Ruby smiles. "How's Will doing?"

"He's alright but he's still having episodes."

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