Chapter 8

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After school, Ruby rushes to her car but Billy grabs her hand and they walk out together. There are murmurs from everyone as they see them holding hands and Ruby gets uncomfortable and unconsciously squeezes Billy's hand.

Noticing this, Billy sends a glare around to everyone without Ruby seeing.

"I'm sorry, I wish I could wait for Max with you but I've got to go to work." Ruby pouts and Billy sighs, leaning against his car. He pulls her closer to him by looping his fingers through her belt loops and rests his hands on her hips.

"Where are you working tonight?"

"Sammy's and a diner and the restaurant. I should be done by eleven, maybe eleven thirty, if the customers are feeling like assholes."

Billy chuckles and pulls her in for a kiss, his hand on the back of her neck and she smiles into it.

When she pulls away, she groans. Ruby grabs his arm and looks at his watch.

"Ugh, I've got to go or I'll be late." Ruby says and pecks Billy's lips once before she gets in her car and drives away.

Ruby barely gets started working at the diner before she gets called over to take a call from her brother.

"Kit? What's going on? Is everything ok?"

"No, everything is really not ok." Her brother panics and Ruby's heart drops.

"What happened?"

"What happened is Dustin is a big stupid dumbass." Kit yells but it sounds like he's shouting at Dustin.

Ruby hears a bit of a scuffle and then Dustin's voice is heard.

"Hey Rubes, so we've got a bit of a thing happening. Now you can't get mad that we didn't tell you because we didn't want you to worry and we know you've got a lot going on-"

"Dustin spit it out!" Ruby says and Dustin sighs.

"So on Halloween I found this lizard thing and I kept it but now we think it's a baby demogorgon and I've been keeping him but he's escaped and eaten Mews."

Ruby chokes.

"And you thought it was smart not to tell me?" She screeches.

"Uh huh." Dustin replies, now not sounding so certain. "Before you come over, you should know we have no idea where Dart is."

"You named it?"

"Of course. And Dart's a he, not an it."

"How would you know that? And why would not knowing where it is make me feel any better at all?"

"I don't know but tomorrow I've got a plan to catch him."

"Why not tonight?"

"Because my mom's still here." Dustin hisses and Ruby hears Claudia's voice.

Ruby sighs, terrified but agrees not to rush over.

After her shifts, she races over to the Henderson's and picks Kit up.

Ruby thanks Claudia for keeping an eye on Kit and feeding him and takes him straight home.

On the car ride over, Kit tells her everything and Ruby tries really hard not to get mad that she was kept out of the loop.

"The next time, not that there will be a next time, but next time you find some creepy thing, tell me." She begs and Kit nods before excusing himself and going to bed.

Ruby clears up, exhausted and then showers and changes into her pjs.

A knock on her window lets her know that Billy's there and she helps him in.

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