Chapter 15

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The eight of them end up squished into the backseat, Kit and Lucas sharing the front seat and Ruby has both the unconscious boys leaning against her. Ruby is working on fixing up Billy while Dustin concentrates on Steve and Mike just sits there.

Oddly enough, Billy wakes up before Steve does, probably because the dose Max shot him up with was for a skinny thirteen year old while Billy is a well-built seventeen year old.

He jerks awake and Ruby forces his face to face her first and he calms down significantly.

"What the hell is going on?" Billy growls, seeing his sister driving his car and she just gives him the finger while everyone else glares at him.

"Ok, Billy I need you to trust me." Ruby says and Billy looks at her. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course."

"Remember everything you know about last year?" She asks and Billy nods. "That's all bullshit. Will did go missing but in another dimension and monsters from that dimension have found their way back here and are trying to take over this world. We are going to set part of the monster's base on fire so another thirteen year old, Eleven, can use her superpowers to close the gate that's allowing the monsters in. That is why I cancelled and why I was with Steve, because we're trying to save this whole damn town."

Billy looks at her, lost for words.

"You're shitting me." Billy says and Ruby frowns and clenches her jaw.

"I'm really not Billy. Look, I couldn't leave you at the Byers so I made them bring you along but once we get there, it's going to be dangerous. You can leave if you want or stay with the car but you have to believe me."

Billy scans her face for any signs that she's lying but since he knows that Ruby is a terrible liar and she isn't backing down, Billy nods.

"Ok, I believe you." Billy agrees.

"You should have come out earlier." Lucas grumbles. "You could have stopped him from attacking me."

Ruby sighs and shakes her head. "I really don't think I could have." And they look at Billy.

"Probably not. It hurt when I found you there with him." Billy nods his head to the still unconscious Steve and Ruby squeezes his hand softly.

"That reminds me, why the hell is Maxine driving my car?" Billy demands.

"They wanted me in the back in case you lost it again." Ruby replies and Billy just nods, sensing that now is not the right time to argue.

After a few minutes, Steve starts to come around as well and looks around.

"Nancy?" Steve asks, looking at Mike, who looks at him offended.

Steve groans and brings his hand to his head.

"No, don't touch it. Hey, buddy..." Dustin says, shushing Steve and moving the ice pack from his head. "It's okay. You put up a good fight. He kicked your ass, but you put up a fight. You're okay."

Steve groans again and Ruby wipes blood from Steve's eyes. Billy frowns a little, seeing Ruby take care of Steve but reminds himself repeatedly that they're just friends.

"Okay, you're gonna keep straight for a half a mile, then make a left on Mount Sinai." Lucas reads from the map and Steve starts to freak out a little more.

"What's going on?" Steve asks and he notices Max is driving and then spots Billy leaning against Ruby.

"Oh, my God!" Steve yells and Ruby shushes him.

"Just relax. She's driven before." Dustin assures him but Ruby pinches her lips together and Billy scoffs.

"Yeah, in a parking lot." Mike replies derisively.

"That counts." Lucas argues and Ruby tells them to concentrate.

"They were gonna leave you behind." Dustin whispers but Steve continues having his freak out.

"I promised that you'd be cool, okay?" Dustin says.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on?" Steve asks as Max floors it. "Oh, my God. No! Whoa! Stop the car. Slow down."

Ruby clutches at Billy's hand but tries to hide her fear because she doesn't want Max to think she doesn't trust her.

"I told you he'd freak out." Mike says and Ruby gives him a reprimanding look.

"Stop the car!" Steve yells and Max yells back for everyone to shut up.

"Ok, everyone calm down!" Ruby shouts and then Lucas points out a road on the left.

"Oh, wait, that's Mount Sinai. Make a left."

"What?" Max asks, looking at him.

"Make a left." Lucas and Kit yell and Max swerves the car, making them all scream.

"Hello!" Steve yells as they pull to a sudden stop.

"Whoa!" Dustin shouts and Ruby breathes a sigh of relief that they're still alive.

"Incredible." Mike mutters and Ruby smiles.

"I told you. Zoomer."

They all get out and Billy and Steve look hesitant but get out too. Billy and Steve stumble about, still feeling woozy.

Billy and Steve watch as Ruby, Kit, Mike, Lucas, Dustin and Max put on masks and goggles.

"Guys." Steve says but everyone ignores him. Billy walks over when Ruby beckons him over and helps him put on protective gear.

"Oh, no. Guys. Hey, where do you think you're going? What are you, deaf? Hello? We are not going down there right now. I made myself clear. Hey, there's no chance we're going to that hole, all right? This ends right now!" Steve yells but they keep passing him and walking towards the hole.

"Look, Billy." Ruby says quietly as she helps him. "The kids are not your biggest fans right now and neither is Steve. So please, for me, just do your best to do what the rest of us do because it is going to be dangerous."

Billy nods. "I'm not going to let you go anywhere dangerous without me."

Ruby blushes and kisses him softly before the two of them follow the rest of them into the hole.

Steve grunts as he's the last one in and they all look around in awe and fear.

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